CLAT Questions | General Knowledge

General Knowledge | Practice Questions

CLAT General Knowledge

CCLAT Current Affairs and General Knowledge section tests the depth of understanding in a range of topics. Candidates are expected to read a particular news or opinion piece in-depth. Reading at-least one newspaper every day is necessary. News, events and happenings pertaining to legal issues are particularly important when it comes to CLAT Current Affairs and General Knowledge section.

The following passages and questions have been framed with an eye on the latest samples from the Consortium of NLUs. More importantly, they are pegged exactly at the level of difficulty of CLAT.

How much of a walking Encyclopedia are you? How knowledgeable are you with the current happenings? Try the following questions, available for free!

    CLAT General Knowledge: Tribal Affairs

    The States were in the process of finalising data on the claims of tribals on forest land and have submitted them to the Ministry of Tribal Affairs. Over 5 lakh tribals and other traditional forest dwellers living in remote forest areas could face eviction.

    The states’ enumeration exercise to check the number of tribals, whose claims had been rejected under the [1], has revealed that 5,43,732 claims have been finally rejected across 14 states.

    The exercise across the country was conducted following a February 2019 interim order of the Supreme Court to check the number of tribals whose claims had been rejected and who were living as illegal squatters on land. The SC ordered the immediate eviction of illegal occupants.

    The order had triggered a political storm ahead of the 2019 elections. Sensing the probable electoral blowback, the states and the Centre had sought more time to check if the claims under the Act had been rightfully rejected and the SC later stayed the order.

    Since the eviction of tribals from forest land could be a politically sensitive issue, the tribal-dominated Schedule V and VI regions of Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and Assam have decided to seek more time.

  1. ‘[1]’ is an Act of the Parliament which provides many ‘Forest Rights’ to traditional dwellers and tribals. What of the following is [1]?

    1. Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006
    2. Tribals and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Forest Rights) Act 2008
    3. Forest Rights Act 2005
    4. Tribal Land Rights (Recognition) Act 2007
  2. Which of the following acts as the Nodal agency for implementation of [1]?

    1. Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment
    2. Ministry of Tribal Affairs
    3. Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change
    4. Department of Land Resources
  3. What is the % population of STs and tribals in India, according to 2011 Census?

    1. 8-9%
    2. 17-19%
    3. 26-27%
    4. 41-42%
  4. Why did the SC initially order the eviction of lakhs of tribals?

    1. The tribals could not justify their claims of forest rights
    2. The tribals had been living in reserved forest areas
    3. The presence of tribals directly affected Wildlife Conservation efforts
    4. The rights claims of many tribals were rejected in the government exercise
  5. Who is responsible for the implementation of the verdicts or orders of Supreme Court in this case?

    1. The Central government agencies
    2. The State Government machinery, through local government officials
    3. MPs and MLAs, with the help of their party members and government officials
    4. District Collectors, in cooperation with local politicians
  6. CLAT General Knowledge: China's Mars Mission

    China has launched its most ambitious Mars mission yet in a bold attempt in successfully landing a spacecraft on the red planet. Two other missions were launched this month.

    With engines blazing orange, a Long March 5 carrier rocket took off on 23rd July at about 12.40 pm local time from Hainan Island, south of the Chinese mainland. Hundreds of space enthusiasts watched from a beach across the bay.

    China’s tandem spacecraft – with both an orbiter and a rover – will take seven months to reach Mars. If all goes well, the Tianwen-1 mission will look for underground water as well as evidence of possible ancient life.

    Landing on Mars is notoriously difficult. Only the US has successfully landed a spacecraft on the planet’s soil, a total of eight times since 1976. Nasa’s In-Sight lander and Curiosity rover still operate today. Six other spacecrafts are exploring Mars from orbit: three American, two European and one Indian.

  7. Which of the following countries did not attempt to reach Mars in 2020?

    1. Saudi Arabia
    2. United Arab Emirates
    3. USA
    4. China
  8. Why are multiple countries launching Mars missions around the same time?

    1. The geopolitical situation, especially the rivalry between China and US, has hastened technological missions and capabilities.
    2. There is a periodic ‘Distance Minimum’ in between orbits of Earth and Mars, when it is easiest to launch a mission.
    3. There is evidence from satellite and telescope imaging that parts of Mars may be conducive to life, and countries are scrambling for first discovery.
    4. The planned Mars missions of 2020 were delayed by COVID-19, and could be restarted only after some months, leading to practically similar launch dates.
  9. Select the correct option about the characteristics of Mars

    1. It is a gaseous planet, with a diameter less than that of Earth.Mars, like the other terrestrial planets, has a strong magnetic field around it.
    2. Liquid water cannot exist on the surface of Mars because of low atmospheric pressure.
    3. So, no water has been detected in Mars.
    4. Iron Oxide in the soil gives Mars a reddish colour.
  10. How many rovers have successfully operated in Mars?

    1. 3
    2. 4
    3. 7
    4. 6
  11. India’s Mars Orbiter Mission was launched on 5 November 2013. Which of the following are not the scientific objectives of the mission?

    1. Study surface features by studying the morphology, topography and mineralogy
    2. Study the constituents of Martian atmosphere including methane and CO2 using remote sensing techniques
    3. Search for and characterize features that hold clues to past water activity
    4. Study the dynamics of the upper atmosphere of Mars, effects of solar wind and radiation and the escape of volatiles to outer space
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