XAT 2023 Question Paper | Bussiness Decision Making

XAT Previous Year Paper | XAT BDM Questions | Question 10

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Read the following scenario and answer the TWO questions that follow.

The CEO of the Jamshedpur Tea Factory (JTF) was in a quandary over employees skipping work. It was becoming increasingly difficult for him to identify employees who faked illness to skip work. The work of the employees was complex and intricate, and they had to report to eight supervisors. “Faking illness” made it difficult for JTF to judiciously decide on “Promotion” and “Training” of employees. An employee could only be promoted on the completion of a multi-skilling training program. Further, to be nominated for the training program, an employee must be recommended by a minimum of six supervisors. JTF wanted to promote only sincere and deserving employees.

Question 10 : The CEO was thinking of changing the policy regarding leave, training & promotion.
Which of the following will be the MOST efficient course of action for JTF and yet be fair to the employees?

  1. Let the CEO office decide on the leave as well as promotions.
  2. Let supervisors decide on the leave of an employee.
  3. Let the CEO office decide on promotion but each supervisor will decide on the leave.
  4. Let the CEO office decide on leave but supervisors will recommend promotions.
  5. Let status quo continue

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The question is " The CEO was thinking of changing the policy regarding leave, training & promotion.
Which of the following will be the MOST efficient course of action for JTF and yet be fair to the employees? "

Hence, the answer is 'Let the CEO office decide on leave but supervisors will recommend promotions.'

Choice D is the correct answer.

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