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CAT 2019 Analysis Slot 1 and Slot 2
First thoughts
DILR was at the same level as seen in the past 4–5 years, perhaps a little easier. Quant was easier than 2018 but far tougher than the levels seen in 2017, 2016 or 2015. The elephant in the room was VARC. The passages were tough, the questions reveled in double-negatives.
We have given a quick snapshot of what we think could be the cut-offs. Note that these are, at best, wild guesses.
VARC substantially tougher, DILR at same level of 2018, Quant easier than 2018 but tougher than 2017
Our estimates for CAT 2019 percentiles and scores are given below for both slot 1 and slot 2.Note that these are merely estimates and are not based on statistical analysis.

VARC - Really Challenging
The RC section was relentless. Passages were non-obvious, choices were long, quite a few had 2 close choices and we had to read and re-read the choices all the time. Our reading is that the overall error rate in VARC is going to be much higher than it has been for a while. Too many questions had ‘weaken the argument’, ‘support the author’s beliefs’ - on a couple of occasions, we couldn't even sure what the author’s position was. Attempting a lot of questions might not be the prudent strategy in this section. A score of 70 might fetch a 99.5th percentile or so.
DILR - We are all probably getting better at this
DILR was the surprise package in 2015 and 2016; but over the past 2–3 years, we have kinda caught up with the CAT’s way of testing DILR. There was one nice simple DI puzzle, one very do-able math-based puzzle. So, a serious candidate could get 8 questions correct. Post this, free marks were hard to come by. 4 sets with almost everything correct should fetch one somewhere in the 99th percentile range.
Quants - Easier than last year, but not a give-away section
CAT 2018 Quant was a nightmare. This year, there were quite a few very do-able questions. I think some guys might even have killed this section and scored 97+. Time pressure was ever-present but was not debilitating. I think one needs to get 70+ for 99.5th percentile, and 37–38 to get 90th percentile. Quite a few questions from functions, sequences, exponents etc, usual number from Geometry and very few from Number Systems, Permutation and Probability.
As ever, these are mere conjectures and the actual numbers could be wildly different.
CAT 2019 Analysis Slot 1 by Experts Video
2IIM's Online Analysis for CAT 2019 Slot 1
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CAT 2019 Analysis Slot 2 by Experts Video
2IIM's Online Analysis for CAT 2019 Slot 2
Watch this to find out Experts Analysis of CAT 2019 Slot 2.
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CAT 2019 Analysis Topic-wise breakdown
As far as the CAT syllabus was concerned, a great many questions were from Arithmetic. Number Theory was not heavily tested at all whereas Geometry featured reasonably well.
CAT 2019 slot 1 Quants

CAT 2019 slot 2 Quants

CAT 2019 Topic-wise breakdown in VARC

CAT 2019 TITA-MCQ breakdown in Quant, VARC and DILR

CAT 2019 had 26 questions of TITA kind.
Let’s talk CAT 2020
It is not too early to start preparation. If you took CAT 2019 merely as a precursor to CAT 2020, then it is about time to start thinking about a pleasant 1-year preparation cycle. If you are not already one, sign up as a trial user to the 2IIM Online Course and see why so many students say so many good things about us (review link here )
2IIM’s CAT 2019 online students can renew the course at very reasonable rates. The price for renewal is pegged at a level where students pay the difference between our current 2019 price point and what they have paid already. Effectively, for students who are renewing the course, the price for preparation for CAT 2019 and CAT 2020 would be merely the price for CAT 2019 (In other words CAT 2019 prep came for free).
Those of you just beginning on this CAT preparation journey, click here to know about every aspect of How to Prepare for CAT? . Those of you feeling a little lost amidst all this talk of percentiles, slots, analysis, syllabus etc, click here to learn What is CAT all about?