Almost all the Online CAT Coaching classes are handled by Rajesh Balasubramanian, 5 time 100 percentiler in CAT.
We offer more than 150+ Live Sessions (2 way interactive) in the Online CAT Coaching course. Making your CAT Online Preparation hassle free.
2000+ videos in the Online CAT Coaching course, 1500+ videos on YouTube, 3000+ videos on Math basics. The video library is unmatched both in quantity and quality.
8,000+ Practice questions – broken as basics and CAT-level. With detailed solutions. 25+ Original High Quality CAT mocks + 24 Previous year CAT papers + OMET mocks.
Students are added to dedicated WhatsApp groups. They can reach us via email, whatsapp or call to discuss their CAT Preparation plan. Mentorship sessions scheduled and conducted every month.
CAT Preparation Online Platform comes with built-in discussion board. Students can reach out via email or WhatsApp also. Youtube and FB communities offer platform peer learning.
We teach from absolute zero, and add layer-by-layer. Fundamentals come first, speed comes later.
Entire content shown in super-intuitive UI. Learn in your preferred sequence, and at your pace.
Mentors will empathize and listen, then help your chart your path. We are available throughout.
You can sample 40 hours of content without paying a rupee. Go through the content. Now.
Entire self-paced course is taught by one teacher, Rajesh Balasubramanian.
10,000+ videos, 10,000+ practice questions. We cover the ground many times over.
Self-Paced or Live Online, with books or without – take your pick.
Our teachers take the CAT every year.
Rajesh Balasubramanian is an Electrical Engineer from IIT, Madras, Class of 2001 and completed his PGDM from IIM Bangalore in 2003. He runs 2IIM's CAT program and has built most of the content for the 2IIM CAT Online Course. He has taken the CAT several times and scored 100th percentile in CAT 2011, CAT 2012, CAT 2014, CAT 2017 and CAT 2023. He likes few things more than teaching Math and insists to this day that he is a better teacher than exam-taker. Rajesh also runs PiVerb - an Ed-Tech company that focuses on teaching math intuitively to students from class V to class X. Prior to his stint in Education, Rajesh spent a few years as a banker, a fact that he is distinctly not proud of.
Bharath completed his MBA from IIT Madras. He is a CAT verbal 99%iler and curator of the ubiquitous Bharath’s Reading List. CAT preparation is a challenge that goes beyond preparation and requires mental fortitude and constant mentoring - for everything that will encourage you to be persistent with your preparation and beyond, Bharathwaj is the best mentor. Click below to see how Bharath teaches.
Raghu secured 99.97%ile in CAT 2023 and 99.3%ile in CAT 2021. He also converted PGDBA Programme by IIM-C and is currently pursuing Business Analytics. Raghu loves teaching by breaking down ideas and focusing on fundamentals. He is also known for solving questions in a multitude of ways that’ll give answers in a jiffy without any tricks or gimmicks. Click below to see how Raghu teaches.
Jatin is the Head of VARC at 2IIM. He is a CAT VARC 99%iler and is passionate about two things in life - Teaching and English! He has 18+ years of experience in the corporate world and worked with Google for 12+ years in what he calls his previous life. He is a passionate student champion and nothing matters more to him than creating an enriching and positive experience for our students. Click below to see how Jatin teaches.
We offer high quality content to everyone, across platforms, free of cost. No wonder our competitors speak highly of us
Fantastic collection of 2000 questions, 1000+ with video solutions. Previous year CAT, XAT, IIFT exam papers with zero cost and no sign-up requirement - sample them for free today!
2500+ videos, 164,000+ subscribers, regularly updated high-quality content by CAT 100%iler, and CAT Preparation Guides– what’s not to like? Deep Dive and Achiever’s Talk provide a quintessential Last Mile GDPI guide for CAT Preparation and other competitive exams. 2IIM YouTube Channel
A list of high-quality articles curated by CAT Verbal 99%iler, 1000+ aspirants search for Bharath’s reading list every day. Gain an advantage in your CAT verbal preparation today! Bharath's Reading list
No more searching for information on forums and missing out on important information! In addition to the latest news on CAT exams and B-Schools, the 2IIM blog covers everything about MBA Entrance Exams in one place.
Follow 2IIM on Instagram to solve daily RC puzzles based on the high-quality, curated Bharath’s Reading List and improve your verbal score. We also post memes and tid-bits related to CAT preparation and are invested in your CAT preparation journey.
Use the built-in scheduler in the 2IIM CAT Preparation Blog to make sure you cover all bases and enjoy a structured learning experience throughout your CAT preparation.
Here’s why you should go for it!
Learning, whether online or offline, is centred around the teacher. Cracking CAT is easier if you have a teacher who has been there and done that before. The biggest advantage of an Online CAT Coaching course is that it gives you access to the best CAT teaching out there- that highly experienced CAT 100%iler whose fantabulous classes you have heard about can now be your teacher!
Here are some questions which can help you evaluate and choose an excellent Online CAT coaching
1) Does the content start from the absolute basics and bring you up to CAT level?
2) Can you learn at your own pace through modularized content?
3) Is it accessible on any device, at any time, anywhere?
When it comes to learning schedules, doubt clarification, peer learning etc., all of these are very much possible to get in an Online CAT Coaching as well.
If you want to know more about this in detail, check out our blog article: Why Online CAT Coaching?Do not ask us “Where were you when I was seriously preparing for CAT?” For everything else, we will have a go.