CAT 2018 Question Paper | CAT LR DI

CAT Previous Year Paper | CAT DILR | Set 4

CAT DI LR section has become increasingly tough beginning from 2015. DILR used to have distinct Data Interpretation sets and Logical reasoning puzzles. It used to be about computation and ability to read charts, graphs and tables for the Data Interpretation and Logical reasoning used to have Family tree, grid puzzles, arrangement, tournaments, cubes as some standard forms of puzzles.Since 2015 this pattern has been broken. With passing years, even the distinction between DI and LR has come down significantly. All you get in that one hour, are 8 high quality puzzles, with more than a few of them being significantly tough. Between CAT 2017 Question paper and CAT 2018 Question paper, you get to solve 32 actual CAT puzzles. This page intends to provide you just that. So, head on and crack those puzzles!

CAT DILR : CAT 2018 Question Paper Slot 2

Set 4 : Products and Companies

Each of the 23 boxes in the picture below represents a product manufactured by one of the following three companies: Alfa, Bravo and Charlie. The area of a box is proportional to the revenue from the corresponding product, while its centre represents the Product popularity and Market potential scores of the product (out of 20). The shadings of some of the boxes have got erased.

CAT DI LR 2018 Slot 2

The companies classified their products into four categories based on a combination of scores (out of 20) on the two parameters - Product popularity and Market potential as given below:

CAT DI LR 2018 Slot 2

The following facts are known:
1. Alfa and Bravo had the same number of products in the Blockbuster category.
2. Charlie had more products than Bravo but fewer products than Alfa in the No-hope category.
3. Each company had an equal number of products in the Promising category.
4. Charlie did not have any product in the Doubtful category, while Alfa had one product more than Bravo in this category.
5. Bravo had a higher revenue than Alfa from products in the Doubtful category.
6. Charlie had a higher revenue than Bravo from products in the Blockbuster category.
7. Bravo and Charlie had the same revenue from products in the No-hope category.
8. Alfa and Charlie had the same total revenue considering all products.

Question 1 : Considering all companies products, which product category had the highest revenue?

  1. No-hope
  2. Doubtful
  3. Promising
  4. Blockbuster

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Explanatory Answer

Method of solving this CAT Question on CAT DILR

The companies classified their products into four categories based on a combination of scores (out of 20) on the two parameters - Product popularity and Market potential as given below:
CAT DI LR 2018 Slot 2
CAT DI LR 2018 Slot 2
From condition 1, Alfa and Bravo should have 2 each, Charlie should have 3.
From condition 2, Bravo = 1, Charlie = 2, Alfa = 3.
From condition 3, Alfa = Bravo = Charlie = 1.
From condition 4, Alpha = 4, Bravo = 3, Charlie = 0.
Let us capture this differently and then take it from there.
CAT DI LR 2018 Slot 2
CAT DI LR 2018 Slot 2
From condition 5, The big free square is Bravo.
From condition 6, The big free square is Charlie.
From condition 7, Charlie has rectangle and Square.
From condition 8, Chances are the big square in Promising is Charlie’s.
It is between Blockbuster and Doubtful. Doubtful has two small squares whereas everything in Blockbuster is sizable. Therefore Blockbuster had the highest revenue.

The question is "Considering all companies products, which product category had the highest revenue?"

Hence, the answer is Blockbuster

Choice D is the correct answer


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