Para Summary is a part of VA in the VARC section. This is like a Mini-RC that requires a complete understanding of the paragraph given. Reading is the only way to master these types of questions in your CAT Exam. This question from VA does have negative marking, so if you are going to attempt these questions make sure you attempt it with maximum confidence. Start your CAT Online Preparation today by solving the questions from CAT Previous Year Paper.
The passage given below is followed by four alternate summaries. Choose the option that best captures the essence of the passage.
Question 29 : The early optimism about sport's deterrent effects on delinquency was premature as researchers failed to find any consistent relationships between sports participation and deviance. As the initial studies were based upon cross-sectional data and the effects captured -were short-term, it was problematic to test and verify the temporal sequencing of events suggested by the deterrence theory. The correlation bet-ween sport and delinquency could not be disentangled from class and cultural variables known. Choosing individuals to play sports in the first place was problematic, which became more acute in the subsequent decades as researchers began to document Just how closely sports participation was linked to social class indicators.
The paragraph explains that researchers failed to find any consistent relationships between sports participation and deviance because (a) the data could not be used to test and verify temporal sequencing of events suggested by the deterrence theory (statistical weaknesses) and (b) the correlation could not be disentangled from class and cultural variables (empirical weaknesses). Option 3 captures both these ideas and sums up the paragraph.
Option 1 is ruled out as the paragraph clearly states there are no consistent relationships between sports participation and deviance. Similarly, option 4 is easily ruled out as it talks about ‘education, income, and social capital’, which are not mentioned in the paragraph. Option 2, while true, does not sum up the paragraph as well as option 3.
Choice C is the correct answer.
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