CAT 2018 Question Paper | Verbal Slot 2

CAT Previous Year Paper | CAT VARC Questions | Question 31

Para Summary is one of the trickiest type of questions in VA that you can expect in the CAT Exam. Getting the final answer by eliminating the three incorrect options is the key to answer this question correctly. Eliminate the options by finding a flaw in the incorrect options. But in order to do that, complete understanding of the paragraph is uber-crucial. Reading is the only way to master these types of questions. This question from VA does have negative marking, so be sure when you are attempting this. Start your CAT Online Preparation today by solving this question from CAT Previous Year Paper 2018

The passage given below is followed by four alternate summaries. Choose the option that best captures the essence of the passage.

Question 31 : A Japanese government panel announced that it recommends regulating only genetically modified organisms that have had foreign genes permanently introduced into their genomes and not those whose endogenous genes have been edited. The only stipulation is that researchers and businesses will have to register their modifications to plants or animals with the government, with the exception of microbes cultured in contained environments. Reactions to the decision are mixed. While lauding the potential benefits of genome editing, an editorial opposes across-the-board permission. Unforeseen risks in gene editing cannot be ruled out. All genetically modified products must go through the same safety and labeling processes regardless of method.

  1. A government panel in Japan says transgenic modification and genome editing are not the same.
  2. Creating categories within genetically modified products in terms of transgenic modification and genome editing advances science but defies laws.
  3. Exempting from regulations the editing of endogenous genes is not desirable as this procedure might be risk-prone.
  4. Excepting microbes cultured in contained environments from the regulations of genome editing is premature.

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Explanatory Answer

The paragraph argues that all genetically modified products must go through the same safety and labeling processes regardless of method, as unforeseen risks in gene editing cannot be ruled out. Of the given options, option 3 touches upon all key ideas of the paragraph and sums it best.

Option 1 is clearly incorrect, as the announcement mentioned in the paragraph neither mentions ‘transgenic modification’ nor declares that it is not the same as genome editing. Option 2 is ruled out as there is no evidence in the paragraph to suggest that creating the said categories either “advances science” or “defies laws”. Option 4 is incorrect as the paragraph does not say anywhere that not registering microbes cultured in contained environments is “premature”. This is also not the main idea of the paragraph.

Choice C is the correct answer.


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