The best questions to practice for the CAT Exam are the actual CAT Question Papers. 2IIM offers you exactly that, in a student friendly format to take value from. In CAT Question Paper 2019 we saw some beautiful questions that laid emphasis on learning ideas from basics and being able to comprehend more than remembering gazillion formulae and shortcuts. Here we take a look at a beautiful question on Data Interpretation involving Graphs and Data simultaneously. Here we test if the given two statements are true with respect to the data given in the question. Original CAT Question paper is the best place to start off your CAT prep practice. To practice more questions of this type, visit 2IIM's CAT Question Bank.
The Ministry of Home Affairs is analysing crimes committed by foreigners in
different states and union territories (UT) of India. All cases refer to the ones registered
against foreigners in 2016. The number of cases – classified into three categories: IPC crimes,
SLL crimes and other crimes – for nine states/UTs are shown in the figure below. These nine
belong to the top ten states/UTs in terms of the total number of cases registered. The remaining
state (among top ten) is West Bengal, where all the 520 cases registered were SLL
The table below shows the ranks of the ten states/UTs mentioned above among ALL states/UTs of
India in terms of the number of cases registered in each of the three category of crimes. A
state/UT is given rank r for a category of crimes if there are (r‐1) states/UTs having a larger
number of cases registered in that category of crimes. For example, if two states have the same
number of cases in a category, and exactly three other states/UTs have larger numbers of cases
registered in the same category, then both the states are given rank 4 in that category. Missing
ranks in the table are denoted by *
Question 11 : Which of the following is DEFINITELY true about the ranks
of states/UT in the 'other crimes' category?
i) Tamil Nadu: 2
ii) Puducherry: 3
The question is "Which of the following is DEFINITELY true about the ranks of
states/UT in the 'other crimes' category?
i) Tamil Nadu: 2
ii) Puducherry: 3"
Choice B is the correct answer.
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