CAT 2019 Question Paper | CAT LR DI Slot 1

CAT Previous Year Paper | CAT DILR Questions | Question 20

The best questions to practice for the CAT Exam are the actual CAT Question Papers. 2IIM offers you exactly that, in a student friendly format to take value from this. In CAT Previous Year Paper 2019 we saw some beautiful questions that laid emphasis on learning ideas from basics and being able to comprehend more than remembering gazillion formulae and shortcuts. Lets take a look at a classic case of arrangements, we have two shelves over which we arrange some objects with some restrictions in place on what-goes-where. In the partial filled grid we look for a statement that remains true regardless of the type of arrangement we follow. Try your hands at this question!
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CAT DILR : CAT 2019 Question Paper Slot 1

Set 5 : Supermarket

A supermarket has to place 12 items (coded A to L) in shelves numbered 1 to 16. Five of these items are types of biscuits, three are types of candies and the rest are types of savouries. Only one item can be kept in a shelf. Items are to be placed such that all items of same type are clustered together with no empty shelf between items of the same type and at least one empty shelf between two different types of items. At most two empty shelves can have consecutive numbers.

The following additional facts are known.
1. A and B are to be placed in consecutively numbered shelves in increasing order.
2. I and J are to be placed in consecutively numbered shelves both higher numbered than the shelves in which A and B are kept.
3. D, E and F are savouries and are to be placed in consecutively numbered shelves in increasing order after all the biscuits and candies.
4. K is to be placed in shelf number 16.
5. L and J are items of the same type, while H is an item of a different type.
6. C is a candy and is to be placed in a shelf preceded by two empty shelves.
7. L is to be placed in a shelf preceded by exactly one empty shelf.

Question 20 : Which of the following statements is necessarily true?

  1. There are two empty shelves between the biscuits and the candies.
  2. All candies are kept before biscuits.
  3. All biscuits are kept before candies
  4. There are at least four shelves between items B and C.

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Explanatory Answer

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The question is "Which of the following statements is necessarily true? "

Hence, the answer is There are at least four shelves between items B and C.

Choice D is the correct answer.


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