The best questions to practice for the CAT Exam are the actual CAT Question Papers. 2IIM offers you exactly that, in a student friendly format to take value from this. In CAT Previous Year Paper 2019 we saw some beautiful questions that laid emphasis on learning ideas from basics and being able to comprehend more than remembering gazillion formulae and shortcuts. This is great set where we have to fix positions of people standing on a grid patter, and surprisingly we need to fix the positions of all the people before we can proceed on with the questions, so everybody must be placed on the correct spaces! Now we answer how many intersections away is X from Y. Looking for more such question to ace your CAT online preparation? Head straight to 2IIM's CAT Question Bank.
The figure below shows the street map for a certain region with the street
intersections marked from a through l. A person standing at an intersection can see along
straight lines to other intersections that are in her line of sight and all other people
standing at these intersections. For example, a person standing at intersection g can see all
people standing at intersections b, c, e, f, h, and k. In particular, the person standing at
intersection g can see the person standing at intersection e irrespective of whether there is a
person standing at intersection f.
Six people U, V, W, X, Y, and Z, are standing at
different intersections. No two people are standing at the same intersection.
The following
additional facts are known.
1. X, U, and Z are standing at the three corners of a triangle
formed by three street segments.
2. X can see only U and Z.
3. Y can see only U and
4. U sees V standing in the next intersection behind Z.
5. W cannot see V or Z.
6. No one among the six is standing at intersection d.
Question 7 : What is the minimum number of street segments that X must cross to reach Y?
The question is "What is the minimum number of street segments that X must cross to reach Y?"
Choice B is the correct answer.
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