The best questions to practice for CAT Exam are the actual CAT Question Papers. 2IIM offers you exactly that, in a student friendly format to take value from this. In CAT 2019 Question Paper we saw some beautiful questions that laid emphasis on learning ideas from basics and being able to comprehend more than remembering gazillion formulae and shortcuts. A fabulous set based on numbers from CAT 2019 - Slot 2. We have exactly 3 pouches in every row and column of the grid and the maximum and minimum number of coins in the pouches are given. We can go ahead and find out the number of coins in each row and column based on averages. And once we have our grid filled, answering the questions becomes a piece of cake. Lets find out how many pouches have exactly one coin in them. CAT Previous Year Paper is the best place to start off your online CAT preparation. This page provides exactly that. To check out about 1000 CAT Level questions with detailed video solutions for free, go here: CAT Question Bank.
pouches (each represented by a filled circle) are kept in each of the nine slots in a 3 × 3
grid, as shown in the figure. Every pouch has a certain number of one-rupee coins. The minimum
and maximum amounts of money (in rupees) among the three pouches in each of the nine slots are
given in the table. For example, we know that among the three pouches kept in the second column
of the first row, the minimum amount in a pouch is Rs. 6 and the maximum amount is Rs.
There are nine pouches in any of the three columns, as well as in any of the three
rows. It is known that the average amount of money (in rupees) kept in the nine pouches in any
column or in any row is an integer. It is also known that the total amount of money kept in the
three pouches in the first column of the third row is Rs. 4.
Question 2 : How many pouches contain exactly one coin? [TITA]
The question is "How many pouches contain exactly one coin? [TITA]"
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