This set on Rifle Shooting tests your interpolation and analytical reasoning skills. With paritial information given, you are expected to answer the questions using the data given. Original CAT Question paper is the best place to start off your CAT prep practice. To check out about 1000 CAT Level questions with detailed video solutions for free, go here: CAT Question Bank.
Ten players, as listed in the table below, participated in a rifle shooting
competition comprising of 10 rounds. Each round had 6 participants. Players numbered 1 through 6
participated in Round 1, players 2 through 7 in Round 2,..., players 5 through 10 in Round 5,
players 6 through 10 and 1 in Round 6, players 7 through 10, 1 and 2 in Round 7 and so
The top three performances in each round were awarded
7, 3 and 1 points respectively. There were no ties in any of the 10 rounds. The table below
gives the total number of points obtained by the 10 players after Round 6 and Round 10.
The following information is known about Rounds 1 through 6:
1. Gordon did not score
consecutively in any two rounds.
2. Eric and Fatima both scored in a round.
following information is known about Rounds 7 through 10:
1. Only two players scored in
three consecutive rounds. One of them was Chen. No other player scored in any two consecutive
2. Joshin scored in Round 7, while Amita scored in Round 10.
3. No player scored
in all the four rounds.
Question 4 : Which players scored points in the last round?
The question is "Which players scored points in the last round?"
Choice D is the correct answer.
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