The best questions to practice for CAT Exam are the actual CAT Question Papers. 2IIM offers you exactly that, in a student friendly format to take value from this. In CAT 2019 Question Paper we saw some beautiful questions that laid emphasis on learning ideas from basics and being able to comprehend more than remembering gazillion formulae and shortcuts. This set is a slightly modified form of a Venn Diagram, where the pair of candidates are mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive, and the other pair is neither mutually exclusive nor collectively exhaustive. We can make a cure-all venn diagram that will help us answer all of the questions. Looking for all the people who support proposal A we have to answer what percentage chose Sunita as well. CAT Previous Year Paper is the best place to start off your online CAT preparation. This page provides exactly that. To check out about 1000 CAT Level questions with detailed video solutions for free, go here: CAT Question Bank.
Students in a college are discussing two proposals --
A: a proposal by the
authorities to introduce dress code on campus, and
B: a proposal by the students to allow
multinational food franchises to set up outlets on college campus.
A student does not
necessarily support either of the two proposals. In an upcoming election for student union
president, there are two candidates in fray: Sunita and Ragini. Every student prefers one of the
two candidates.
A survey was conducted among the students by picking a sample of 500
students. The following information was noted from this survey.
1) 250 students supported
proposal A and 250 students supported proposal B.
2) Among the 200 students who preferred
Sunita as student union president, 80% supported proposal A.
3) Among those who preferred
Ragini, 30% supported proposal A.
4) 20% of those who supported proposal B preferred
5) 40% of those who did not support proposal B preferred Ragini.
6) Every
student who preferred Sunita and supported proposal B also supported proposal A.
7) Among
those who preferred Ragini, 20% did not support any of the proposals.
Question 1 : Among the students surveyed who supported proposal A, what percentage preferred Sunita for student union president? [TITA]
The question is " Among the students surveyed who supported proposal A, what percentage preferred Sunita for student union president? [TITA]"
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