The CAT Para Jumble is considered to be difficult by many CAT aspirants. It requires a lot of practice to crack these questions. Start your practice right away from this CAT previous year paper question and nail your CAT preparation online.
The four sentences (labelled 1, 2, 3, 4) given below, when properly sequenced would yield a coherent paragraph. Decide on the proper sequence of the order of the sentences and key in the sequence of the four numbers as your answer.
Question 25 : 1. Conceptualisations of ‘women’s time’ as contrary to clock-time and clock-time as synonymous with economic rationalism are two of the deleterious results of this representation.
2. While dichotomies of ‘men’s time’, ‘women’s time’, clock-time, and caring time can be analytically useful, this article argues that everyday caring practices incorporate a multiplicity of times; and both men and women can engage in these multiple-times
3. When the everyday practices of working sole fathers and working sole mothers are carefully examined to explore conceptualisations of gendered time, it is found that caring time is often more focused on the clock than generally theorised.
4. Clock-time has been consistently represented in feminist literature as a masculine artefact representative of a ‘time is money’ perspective.
Tricky question.
Sentence 1 says that conceptualisations of 'women's time' as contrary to clock-time and clock-time as synonymous with economic rationalism are two results of "this representation". The representation referred to here can only be the representation of clock-time in feminist literature as a masculine 'time is money' artefact—mentioned in sentence 4. Feminist literature representing clock-time as masculine implies the conceptualisation of 'women's time' as contrary to clock-time. The idea that time is money relates to economic rationalism. So, sentence 1 follows sentence 4.
Sentence 3 introduces the idea of 'caring time'. Sentence 2 mentions all 4 conceptualisations of time referred to in sentences 4, 1 and 3. It is best placed at the end of the paragraph as it lays down the main premise of 'this article' that everyday caring practices incorporate a multiplicity of times. So, 4132 is the right order.
4132 is the correct answer.
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