CAT 2020 Question Paper | VARC Slot 1

CAT Previous Year Paper | CAT VARC Questions | Question 25

Sentence Elimination or Odd one out is one of the if not the easiest section that you could face in the VA section under the CAT exam. The probability of getting it right is much higher than the Sentence Rearrangement section and being non-negative in nature makes it easier to answer. In the CAT previous year papers, we saw that there were 3 questions on an average per slot in Sentence Elimination. CAT 2020 saw a reduction of questions from 34 to 26 in VARC section because of which the average no. of questions got reduced from 3 to 2. The best place to start your CAT online preparation is the actual CAT Previous Year Paper. We at 2IIM CAT Online Coaching offer you exactly that, in a user-friendly format to take value from this.

Question 25 : Five jumbled up sentences, related to a topic, are given below. Four of them can be put together to form a coherent paragraph. Identify the odd one out and key in the number of the sentence as your answer:

A. For feminists, the question of how we read is inextricably linked with the question of what we read.
B. Elaine Showalter’s critique of the literary curriculum is exemplary of this work.
C. Androcentric literature structures the reading experience differently depending on the gender of the reader.
D. The documentation of this realization was one of the earliest tasks undertaken by feminist critics.
E. More specifically, the feminist inquiry into the activity of reading begins with the realization that the literary canon is androcentric, and that this has a profoundly damaging effect on women readers.

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Explanatory Answer

Tricky question. CE is a possible link, as both talk of androcentric literature. But while C talks about the 'reading experience' depending on the gender of the reader, E talks about the realization that the literary canon is androcentric. These are slightly different ideas.

ED is a strong link, as both talk about the feminists' realization. ED leads on to B, which talks about Elaine Showalter's critique of the literary curriculum. AE is also a strong link, as both sentences relate to the question of what women read.

Between AE and CE, AE is links better to the main idea of the paragraph-- the realization by feminists that what women read has a damaging effect on women readers. AEDB is a cogent paragraph. C is the sentence to be eliminated.

The answer is, " C"

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