CAT 2020 Question Paper | VARC Slot 2

CAT Previous Year Paper | CAT VARC Questions | Question 25

Odd one out is part of the Verbal ability section(VA). The best way to approach odd one out questions is to look for sentences that are not related to the main theme. Try to form links between sentences and figure the odd one out. Apply this strategy on the below question and see yourself glide smoothly to the answer.
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Question 25 : Five jumbled up sentences, related to a topic, are given below. Four of them can be put together to form a coherent paragraph. Identify the odd one out and key in the number of the sentence as your answer:

A. The victim’s trauma after assault rarely gets the attention that we lavish on the moment of damage that divided the survivor from a less encumbered past.
B. One thing we often do with narratives of sexual assault is sort their respective parties into different temporalities: it seems we are interested in perpetrators’ futures and victims’ pasts.
C. One result is that we don’t have much of a vocabulary for what happens in a victim’s life after the painful past has been excavated, even when our shared language gestures toward the future, as the term “survivor” does.
D. Even the most charitable questions asked about the victims seem to focus on the past, in pursuit of understanding or of corroboration of painful details.
E. As more and more stories of sexual assault have been made public in the last two years, the genre of their telling has exploded --- crimes have a tendency to become not just stories but genres.

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Explanatory Answer

EBCA is a sequence: E talks about the new genre of stories of sexual assault. B adds to this, stating that the telling focuses on the perpetrators’ futures and victims’ pasts. C states the result of this: the lack of vocabulary for what happens in the victim's future. Sentence A adds to C.

Option D is about "questions asked about victims", a related but slightly different idea.

The answer is, " D"

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