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Question 22 : Five jumbled up sentences, related to a topic, are given below. Four of them can be put together to form a coherent paragraph. Identify the odd one out and key in the number of the sentence as your answer:
1. There is a dark side to academic research, especially in India, and at its centre is the phenomenon of predatory journals.
2. But in truth, as long as you pay, you can get anything published.
3. In look and feel thus, they are exactly like any reputed journal.
4. They claim to be indexed in the most influential databases, say they possess editorial boards that comprise top scientists and researchers, and claim to have a rigorous peer-review structure.
5. But a large section of researchers and scientists across the world are at the receiving end of nothing short of an academic publishing scam.
Sentence 1 states the main idea of the paragraph. Sentences 4 and 3 form a unit: 4 explains how the journals are indexed and structured and 3 follows this up stating that they have the look and feel of any reputed journal. This begs the question, ˜What is then wrong with these journals?™ Sentence 2 answers this. 1432 forms a cogent paragraph. Sentence 5 talks of an ˜academic publishing scam™ but none of the other sentences shed any light on this. So, 5 is the sentence to be eliminated.
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