CAT 2021 Question Paper | VARC Slot 2

CAT Previous Year Paper | CAT VARC Questions | Question 22

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Question 22 : The four sentences (labelled 1, 2, 3 and 4) below, when properly sequenced would yield a coherent paragraph. Decide on the proper sequencing of the order of the sentences and key in the sequence of the four numbers as your answer:
1. Look forward a few decades to an invention which can end the energy crisis, change the global economy and curb climate change at a stroke: commercial fusion power.
2. To gain meaningful insights, logic has to be accompanied by asking probing questions of nature through controlled tests, precise observations and clever analysis.
3. The greatest of all inventions is the über-invention that has provided the insights on which others depend: the modern scientific method.
4. This invention is inconceivable without the scientific method; it will rest on the application of a diverse range of scientific insights, such as the process transforming hydrogen into helium to release huge amounts of energy.

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Explanatory Answer

Sentence 3 introduces the main idea of the paragraph; so it is the opening sentence.
32 is a unit: 2 explains the term ‘modern scientific method’ mentioned in 3.
14 is also a unit: sentence 1 talks about a new invention, commercial fusion power and 4 explains how the scientific method is key to this invention.
3214 forms a cogent paragraph.

The answer is '3214'

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