XAT 2023 Question Paper | Verbal Ability and Logical Reasoning

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Read the following passage and answer the THREE questions that follow.

Socrates believed that akrasia (meaning procrastination) was, strictly speaking, impossible, since we could not want what is bad for us; if we act against our own interests, it must be because we don’t know what’s right. Loewenstein, similarly, is inclined to see the procrastinator as led astray by the “visceral” rewards of the present. As the nineteenth-century Scottish economist John Rae put it, “The prospects of future good, which future years may hold on us, seem at such a moment dull and dubious, and are apt to be slighted, for objects on which the daylight is falling strongly, and showing us in all their freshness just within our grasp.” Loewenstein also suggests that our memory for the intensity of visceral rewards is deficient: when we put off preparing for that meeting by telling ourselves that we’ll do it tomorrow, we fail to take into account that tomorrow the temptation to put off work will be just as strong.

Ignorance might also affect procrastination through what the social scientist Jon Elster calls “the planning fallacy.” Elster thinks that people underestimate the time “it will take them to complete a given task, partly because they fail to take account of how long it has taken them to complete similar projects in the past and partly because they rely on smooth scenarios in which accidents or unforeseen problems never occur.”

Which of the following is the meaning that comes CLOSEST to “our memory for the intensity of visceral rewards is deficient” as suggested by Loewenstein?

  1. Our brain does not support us in recalling intense memories while procrastinating further.
  2. Our brain partially captures the memory of rewards we get by procrastination.
  3. Our brain does not capture the intensity of pleasure we get by procrastination.
  4. Our brain does not differentiate memories of different rewards we get by procrastinating.
  5. Our brain does not support us with memories which can stop us from procrastinating further.

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The answer is 'Our brain does not support us with memories which can stop us from procrastinating further.'

Choice E is the correct answer.



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