CAT Online Live Classes

Data Sufficiency

Concepts discussed on July 1, 2017

Algebra - Inequalities

Welcome to the live session of Data Sufficiency. The concepts and questions discussed on July 1, 2017 during the live session follow the embedded video. The video link next to each concept will take you to the start of the part of the video where that specific concept is discussed. Click the video embedded below to watch the entire session.

    Easy Questions

  1. What is n?

  2. Is x = 3?

  3. Is x = 3?

  4. If * is + - multiplication or division what is 7 * 0?
    Statement I: 0 * 5 = 5
    Statement II: 5 * 0 = 5

  5. What is the area of triangle ABC?
    Statement I: Two sides are 5 and 10
    Statement II: The triangle is an isosceles triangle

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    Medium Questions

  1. What is the area of triangle ABC whose perimeter is 30?
    Statement I: One of the angles is 80
    Statement II: The triangle is an isosceles triangle

  2. What is the area of triangle ABC?
    Statement I: Two sides are 6 and 8
    Statement II: One of the angles is 90

  3. What is the value of the largest of five positive integers?
    Statement I: The average is 40 and the median is 4
    Statement II: The range is 70+

  4. Is x3 > x2?
    Statement I: x > 0
    Statement II: x < 1

  5. Tough Questions

  6. Is the quadrilateral ABCD a parallelogram?
    Statement I: A pair of opposite sides is parallel
    Statement II: A pair of opposite sides is equal

  7. What is the remainder when N is divided by 14?
    Statement I: N divided by 28, the remainder is 20
    Statement II: N divided by 7, the remainder is 6

  8. If N is a positive integer, is N2 divisible by 48?
    Statement I: N3 is a multiple of 24
    Statement II: N is a multiple of 18

  9. Is |a| > |b|?
    Statement I: a > b
    Statement II: a + b < 0

  10. Very Tough Questions

  11. Is the positive integer P prime?
    Statement I: 2P - 1 is prime
    Statement II: p + 4 is a perfect square

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