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IIFT 2022 Question Paper | IIFT DILR

IIFT Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning | IIFT 2022 Question Paper

The best way to boost your IIFT prep is to practice the actual IIFT Question Papers. 2IIM offers you exactly that, in a student friendly format to take value from this. In the 2022 IIFT, DILR were a mixed bag of questions of varying difficulty, with some routine questions and the others were very demanding. Some beautiful questions that laid emphasis on Learning ideas from basics and being able to comprehend more than remembering gazillion formulae and shortcuts.

    Six friends - Parul, Sumedha, Smita, Cheena, Isha and Atharv are playing Coin-Flip game. The person who gets 'Head' wins the game and if both persons get 'Head' or both get 'Tail' the game ends in a 'Draw'. Each toss ended as a 'Win (W)' or a 'Loss (L)' or a 'Draw (D)'. The game started at 09:00 AM with three tosses between six friends. The other time slot at which toss was done was at 09:15AM, 09:30AM, 09:45 AM and 10:00 AM. At each time slot, three toss(es) were held with each person playing exactly one toss at each time slot. Each person plays with other person only once. The results of the game are given in the order, in which, each person played the Coin-Flip game (from left to right). Person(s)ResultsParulWDWLDSumedhaLWWDDSmitaLLLWWCheenaWLLWDIshaLWDDDAtharvWDDLL

  1. IIFT 2022 Question Paper DILR

    Which of the following correctly represents the list of friends that Cheena beat?

    1. Smita and Parul
    2. Smita and Atharv
    3. Isha and Parul
    4. Isha and Atharv

  2. IIFT 2022 Question Paper DILR

    At what time, the game was played between Smita and Parul?

    1. 09:00 AM
    2. 09:15AM
    3. 09:30AM
    4. 09:45AM

  3. IIFT 2022 Question Paper DILR

    Which of the following is/are results that did not happen in the game?

    1. Parul won against Isha at 09:00 AM
    2. Smita lost against Sumedha at 09:30AM
    3. Cheena won against Isha at 09:45 AM
    4. Atharv lost against Smita at 10:00 AM

    1. 1 and 3
    2. 1 and 4
    3. Only 3
    4. 2,3 and 4

  4. IIFT 2022 Question Paper DILR

    How many matches did Smita lose before she played with Sumedha?

    1. 2
    2. 0
    3. 1
    4. 3

  5. WHO member countries โˆ’A,B,C,D and E meet for a round table discussion to explore the future of COVID-19 pandemic and other infectious threats. Out of these five countries, three are developed countries and two are developing countries. The following information is given:

    I. The two developing countries will not be seated next to each other
    II. The country A, which is a developed country, will always take a seat as far as possible from country B
    III. The country D will always be seated next to a developing country

  6. IIFT 2022 Question Paper DILR

    If country C is a developed country, which of the following is definitely not true?

    1. Country D is a developed country
    2. Country B is a developing country
    3. Country B is sitting in between two developed countries
    4. Country B is sitting in between two developing countries

  7. IIFT 2022 Question Paper DILR

    If country D always has a developing country to its right, in how many different arrangements can country B be a developing country?

    1. 2
    2. 3
    3. 4
    4. 6

  8. IIFT 2022 Question Paper DILR

    If country E is sitting to the immediate right of the country A, which is the following statement(s) is/are definitely true?

    1. Country B and Country D sit next to each other
    2. Country C has to be a developing country
    3. Country E has to be a developed country

    1. Only 1
    2. 1 and 2
    3. 1 and 3
    4. 2 and 3

  9. The Principal of Harvard College is allocating office cabins to seven PhD students, namely, John, James, Mary, Michael, Richard, Franka and Tom. The cabins of these students are arranged in a row (left โ†’ right).
    Tom is working on a project with Richard and they receive phone calls regularly for the project work. Tom is always seated to the left of Richard. Mary is the Class Representative and is allotted the largest space which is cabin number 3. John and James sit together as they are working on the same assignment and are required to discuss regularly. Richard, John, Michael and Tom like to read books. Mary does not like to read book and cabin next to her should be occupied by a non-reader. Michael is not allocated the extreme cabins.

  10. IIFT 2022 Question Paper DILR

    Which of the following student would occupy the cabin farthest from Mary?

    1. Tom
    2. Franka
    3. Michael
    4. Richard

  11. IIFT 2022 Question Paper DILR

    Which of the following would be the cabin occupied by Michael?

    1. 2
    2. 3
    3. 5
    4. 6

  12. A company has decided to start a transport service. The company will be operating its services from eight different locations which connect each location directly. The travel duration between any two locations will be less than two hours. The company has to decide on the location based on the commuters daily schedules. The person staying in any of these eight locations should be able to commute to any other location in the morning and should be able to return by evening on the same day.

  13. IIFT 2022 Question Paper DILR

    The travel between any two locations can be done using only direct transport, i.e., say using direct bus service, then the minimum number of direct buses to be scheduled are?

    1. 98
    2. 112
    3. 120
    4. 160

  14. IIFT 2022 Question Paper DILR

    Suppose two of the eight locations are planned to be designated as core location. A core location is a location which is connected with every other location by direct bus each way, both in the morning as well as in the evening. The only direct bus which will be scheduled are originating and/or terminating in one of the core location. Then, the minimum number of direct buses that need to be planned so that company is able to serve all the eight locations without visiting more than one core location during one trip are ...?

    1. 24
    2. 48
    3. 52
    4. 64

  15. IIFT 2022 Question Paper DILR

    The director of an institute has to choose four students out of eight students for a trip to Mumbai. The director decided to choose these four students in such a manner that each selected student has a common interest with at least one of the other student chosen for the trip.
    The selected student must also dislike at least one of the interest of the other students.

    Student A has interest in reading and playing football but dislikes shopping
    Student B has interest in playing football and cricket but dislikes reading
    Student C has interest in shopping but dislikes to play football
    Student D has interest in watching movies and dislikes to play cricket
    Student E has interest in playing cricket but dislikes to play football and watch movies
    Student F has interest in reading books but dislikes to play football and watch movies
    Student G has interest in shopping and watching movies, but dislikes to read books
    Student H has interest in playing football and shopping but dislikes movies

    Who are the four students chosen by the director for the trip?

    1. C,D,E,G
    2. B,C,G,H
    3. D,E,F,H
    4. A,B,E,F

  16. In the annual cultural festival of a university, a quiz competition was conducted, wherein, all participants were given three rounds with two questions in each round. In the first round, the participants get 40 points for each correct answer and a penalty of 20 points for each incorrect answer. If the participant answers both questions correctly, a bonus of 20 points is given. In the second round, participant gets same points as in first round. Additionally, if both questions are incorrect, an additional penalty of 20 points is imposed. In the last round, the participant gets 80 points for each correct answer and a penalty of 40 points for each incorrect answer.

  17. IIFT 2022 Question Paper DILR

    If only two answers are incorrect in the whole quiz, the minimum possible score is:

    1. 120
    2. 100
    3. 140
    4. 160

  18. IIFT 2022 Question Paper DILR

    If only two answers are correct in the whole quiz, what is the probability that score would be 40 ?

    1. 1/3
    2. 1/6
    3. 2/3
    4. 0

  19. Figure 1 depicts the percentage of total number of male and female athletes from the given five countries: Australia, Brazil, Canada, China and Italy who participated in Tokyo Olympics in the year 2021.
    Total number of athletes who participated from the given five countries =32400

    Country wise participants

    In Figure 2, the percentage of the number of female athletes from the same five countries who participated in Tokyo Olympics in the year 2021 are given as under:

    Female athlete percentage

  20. IIFT 2022 Question Paper DILR

    If the total number of female athletes who participated in 2021 Olympics from the given five countries were 15000 , then how many countries had the number of male athletes less than the number of female athletes?

    1. 2
    2. 3
    3. 4
    4. 5

  21. IIFT 2022 Question Paper DILR

    If the average number of male athletes from all the given five countries is 4000 , then what was the average number of female athletes from Italy and Canada?

    1. 1125
    2. 1448
    3. 2146
    4. 2418

  22. IIFT 2022 Question Paper DILR

    In the next Olympics in 2025 , the total number of male and female athletes from Australia, Brazil and Canada increased by 25 percent, 22.5 percent and 10 percent respectively whereas that of China and Italy decreased by 15 percent and 10 percent respectively as compared to that of the last Olympics in 2021 . Then, what is the percentage increase in the total number of athletes in 2025 as compared to 2021 ?

    1. 12.8%
    2. 9.2%
    3. 10.6%
    4. 14.1%

  23. IIFT 2022 Question Paper DILR

    If the total number of female athletes who participated from the given five countries were 18000 , then what is the ratio of the number of female athletes from Canada to the total number of athletes from Brazil?

    1. 5:9
    2. 2:9
    3. 1:3
    4. 1:8

  24. Figure 3 depicts the pie chart indicating the percentage distribution of per unit steel price over the period of eight years from 2005 to 2012. The average per unit price of steel from 2005 to 2012= Rs. 11. (Absolute per unit steel prices can be rounded off to nearest integer value).

    Per unit steel price

    Figure 4 depicts the revenue & profit of a steel manufacturing company respectively. There is no fixed cost component and all units of steel produced is sold in the same year. Answer the questions given below:

    Revenue and Profit

  25. IIFT 2022 Question Paper DILR

    In which of the following year, the cost per unit of steel is the highest?

    1. 2006
    2. 2008
    3. 2009
    4. 2011

  26. IIFT 2022 Question Paper DILR

    What is the approximate average number of units of steel being sold during 2005 to 2012?

    1. 84
    2. 98
    3. 104
    4. 114

  27. IIFT 2022 Question Paper DILR

    What is the ratio of lowest and highest per unit price of steel from 2005 to 2012 ?

    1. 1:4
    2. 4:7
    3. 2:7
    4. 1:3

  28. IIFT 2022 Question Paper DILR

    If in 2013 , revenue has increased by 25 percent, profit has decreased by 25 percent and per unit steel price has increased by 10 percent as compared to that in 2012 . What is the approximate quantity of steel being sold in 2013 ?

    1. 120.75
    2. 144.25
    3. 170.50
    4. 156.25

  29. Analyse the following bar chart (Figure 5) and answer the questions given below:
    The stacked bar-chart gives the distribution of the budget expenditure (percentage allocation) of six states namely: Punjab, Haryana, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar for year 2000. The budget expenditure is allocated for following six sectors:
    Electricity, Roads, Dairy, Agriculture, Industry and Health.
    The absolute allocation of budget of each state per sector is in Rs. thousand crores and it can take any one value out of the following: 40,50,60,70,80 and 90 (Rs. thousand crores). (All the percentages shown in the following graph are rounded-off to the nearest two decimal points).

    State wise sectoral Budget distribution

  30. IIFT 2022 Question Paper DILR

    Which state of India allocated the second highest total expenditure in all the six sectors combined?

    1. Haryana
    2. Punjab
    3. Uttar Pradesh
    4. Bihar

  31. IIFT 2022 Question Paper DILR

    In which sector, at least two states allocated exactly Rs. 70 thousand crores?

    1. Roads
    2. Dairy
    3. Agriculture
    4. Health

  32. IIFT 2022 Question Paper DILR

    Which of the following was not the total allocation of any of the six states (in thousand crores)?

    1. 35
    2. 360
    3. 380
    4. 400

  33. IIFT 2022 Question Paper DILR

    In which sector, the sum of the allocation by the six states taken together was the third highest?

    1. Health
    2. Industry
    3. Dairy
    4. Agriculture

  34. With the spread of Covid-19 in 2020, it was mandated by Public Health Authorities that each patient admitted in the hospital has to undergo Covid-19 test. In the context of this information, study the table as under and answer the given questions.

    Table 1: Number of patients admitted and found COVID-19 positive in a district hospital in 2021

    MonthsNumber of patients admittedPercentage of admitted patients found Covid-19 positiveRatio of admitted Covid-19 positive Male and Female patientsMarch900โ€ฆโ€ฆ3:2Aprilโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ5:3May68060%โ€ฆโ€ฆJuneโ€ฆโ€ฆ42%9:5July100064%โ€ฆโ€ฆ

  35. IIFT 2022 Question Paper DILR

    In July 2021 , if the number of Covid-19 positive female patients was 194 , what was the respective ratio of number of admitted Covid-19 positive male patients and number of admitted Covid-19 positive female patients?

    1. 280:41
    2. 197:41
    3. 223:97
    4. 114:57

  36. IIFT 2022 Question Paper DILR

    If the number of admitted patients increased by 40 percent from March to August 2021 and also, 25 percent of the admitted patients were found Covid- 19 positive in August 2021 , what was the number of Covid- 19 positive patients in August 2021 ?

    1. 240
    2. 225
    3. 255
    4. 315

  37. IIFT 2022 Question Paper DILR

    In April 2021, if the respective ratio of the number of admitted patients to the number of patients found Covid- 19 positive was 5:4; then the number of female Covid- 19 positive patients constitutes what percent of number of admitted patients in April, 2021 ?

    1. 30
    2. 20
    3. 25
    4. 15

  38. IIFT 2022 Question Paper DILR

    In June 2021 , if the difference between the number of male Covid-19 positive patients and female Covid-19 positive patients was 72 , what was the number of admitted patients in June, 2021 ?

    1. 800
    2. 900
    3. 850
    4. 600

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