Before you get into How to prepare for CAT, it is best to know what CAT exam is all about. If you want to get a holistic idea about CAT Exam’s Syllabus, the selection process, Eligibility, and other details like what other management exams to write and what the syllabus is for those exams - It is best to visit this page. If you already have an idea about all that, read ahead on How to prepare for the CAT Exam?
How to Prepare for CAT 2025 from March
With a 9-month roadmap and a detailed study plan, you have ample time to build a strong foundation for success on November 30, 2025. If you're looking for deeper insights into your CAT 2025 preparation and answers to questions like 'How many hours should I study per day?' and 'How many mocks should I take before CAT?', then click on the adjacent video.
How do 99+ percentilers prepare for CAT?
We at 2IIM Online CAT Coaching start teaching CAT concepts from the
basics. In this answer, Rajesh Balasubramanian, 5-time CAT 100 percentilers talks about
the CAT preparation journey of 3 99+ percentilers.
All three of them had different backgrounds, but when it came to CAT preparation, their
approaches were more or less the same. Read the answer to know more about their
CAT preparation strategies.
What is CAT exam?
First up, learn what CAT exam is
all about? What does CAT test? Which colleges admit based on CAT exam score? What exams
to take up other than CAT? What is the Syllabus for CAT exam? What are the different
sections to worry about for CAT exam and other such enervating questions, dive into
What is CAT exam all
If you have healthy disdain for gyan related to CAT and are merely interested in
starting preparation at the earliest for this exam, visit 2IIM's Question
Bank to get going. As we never tire of saying, no amount of preparation
planning is as good as a few minutes of actual preparation.
How to Organise CAT preparation?
We can break CAT preparation
into three phases – Learning fundamentals, doing the grind and taking mocks. All three
phases are important – one builds strong basics, one builds automaticity (Special read on
automaticity) and one gets you exam-ready. Read more at Three phases of CAT preparation.
It is very important to stay away from questions of extraordinary difficulty levels in
Quant and focus on the relevant portion of preparation. Stay at a discreet distance from
social media and forums when you are preparing for CAT.
How to Schedule CAT Preparation?
CAT has a lot of topics and so
it always helps to have a clear schedule. Watch the video to get a quick overview.
If you are looking for a day-to-day CAT preparation schedule, head over to this page. We at 2IIM have created an elaborate
and customized schedule for your ease. Use this as a framework and do necessary tweaks
as per your requirement.
There are three common mistakes students make while preparing a schedule.
1. Overagonize over Quants. Students get a serious bout of Quantitis, and prepare to
crack Olympaids in Number Theory and Combinatorics. This is useless
2. Underestimate reading. Read for an hour every day. Read all kinds of different things
(What to Read).
3. Ignore DI-LR. This forms one-third of the paper. Students usually spend less than 10%
of the time focusing on this. Do the math.
How to Prepare for CAT Quantitative Aptitude?
People think the toughest
section to prepare for is Quants. So we have outlined Three step quants prep plan and
Common traps to avoid.
This article here outlines the broad approach to
take while preparing for Quant. It is very crucial to not bypass the fundamentals and to
not be fixated on speed building while preparing for CAT. Speed will come with lots of
practice. Have faith in this funda and prepare without worrying about speed right from
day 1.
To get a detailed plan on CAT Quantitative Aptitude section preparation Head here.
How to prepare for CAT Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension?
The most crucial part of CAT
Verbal preparation is Reading. Checkout Bharath's
Reading list for CAT to get a curated reading list. This CAT Reading
list is created by Bharathwaj, PGDM from IIT-Madras and 99.21 %ile in VARC CAT 2019, as
a result of spending several thousand hours in reading thousands of articles and picking
articles that can help a CAT Aspirant in VARC Preparation for CAT, and has about 800+
articles in this collection Reading is the elephant in the room. Better readers have a
higher chance of cracking CAT. It is the most crucial aspect as it improves your chances
with RC, and the rest of the VA section as well. You will definitely want to know what
to read – for books click here and for blogs and websites here.
For how to go about reading, watch One video here and another here.
To get a detailed plan on CAT Verbal Ability & CAT Reading Comprehension preparation
Read detailed plan
How to prepare for CAT DI LR ?
The DI LR section of CAT has
become the game-changer in the last few years. Solving the right sets in the correct way
is important to ace this section.
We at 2IIM have outlined a plan for acing CAT DI LR preparation.
Head onto the page: How to prepare for CAT 2024
Also, 2IIM has a fabulous DI LR only course created from scratch, having recent LR DI
trends in mind. Signup here to checkout 5
classes completely free. Taking good quality mocks also improves your chances of facing
high quality LRDI puzzles.
How to plan Mock CATs?
How to plan a mock CAT schedule
and how to analyse a mock CAT? – This is a whole new topic unto itself. So, as usual go
to - Everything about Mock
This page contains a long form article with a series of Videos embedded to help one get
a fair idea of what should one do while taking mocks, what are the common pitfalls when
taking CAT Mocks, how to analyse mocks, what should I do when I have Volatile Mock
scores, How many mocks should I take and other relevant questions.
Important facts that you should know about Online CAT Coaching
CAT DILR started becoming markedly tougher from CAT 2017 onwards. For many aspirants DILR becomes the make or break section as it is very unpredicatable. We saw a pattern change from CAT 2020 due to the pandemic. 10-11 questions correct will fetch you 99+ percentile.
Check out this page - 2IIM
We strongly believe on the Quote by Abraham Lincoln “If I had nine hours to chop a
tree, I’d spend the first six sharpening the axe.” We start from scratch giving a
stubborn focus on fundamentals so that the student gets the opportunity to learn by
discovering ideas. The plan is to provide a framework for students to handle tougher
We demystify this exam and break every idea into small digestible chunks which is
categorised as theory, exercise and CAT-level questions. The basic idea is to
provide a structure with simple questions and 'push' students to discover some
thought processes while handling CAT-level questions. We would always love to ensure
that the students have enough fun and enjoyment, preparing for CAT Exam.
What are the best blogs or websites to prepare for the Common Admission Test (CAT) - 2IIM's CAT Blog
We at 2IIM CAT Preparation have 164k+ subscribers, 500+ live sessions, 2500+ videos, 100 playlists and a vibrant community. There are quite a few Channels that provide free content for CAT Preparation on Youtube. Apart from 2IIM CAT Preparation , Rodha, Cracku, Elites Grid, Khan Academy(For basics) are some of the channels that are doing a decent job. Check out this Quora link for more details: Quora Answer
i. Consistency is a vital plus where all the teaching is done by a narrow set of
teachers in an online course. The teacher and the pedagogy matters the most.
ii. The Teaching in a classroom course could vary from City to City and week to week
whereas it isn’t in the case of Online.
iii. In Classroom, Travel and specific timings won’t be suitable for all but in an
online course you have an option to learn anywhere, at any time, at your own pace
and in order that you would like to learn.
iv. There are three components for actual teaching part - the material, the pedagogy
and the teacher. In a good online course, the designing and teaching are done by the
same person or group. In a classroom course, the question is created, the idea
transmitted are by different groups and then the teacher usually delivers to this
P.S: This does not necessarily mean that all online courses are good. You must do a
thorough research on the following to find a good Online Course:
1) It has to be modularized so that you can learn at your pace.
2) It has to be on a very good LMS (Learning Management System) that will give you
sound analytics and helps you both to learn and to assess where you are.
3) A chance to check out large sections of the course that is available in the
course UI, not merely on Youtube channel.
Check out this Quora link for more details: Quora
One more Quora Answer: Quora
Youtube Link - Watch
Youtube Link - Watch
Of course, the answer is YES and you can crack CAT by preparing from
August onwards. And it’s even possible when you begin from September 15ᵗʰ too.
Always remember that the Quality matters more than Quantity. Finding 400 hours from
somewhere and prepare feverishly in those 400 with good quality will suffice which
will end up getting a decent percentile.
P.S: Get out of Quora, Facebook etc. for 4 months and most of them can find their
400 hours. Cheers!
Check out this Quora link for more details: Quora
This Question can be answered in 2 parts:
Making CAT Preparation Enjoyable:
• First of all remember that CAT exam tests basic intelligence of class VIII, IX and
X level in a standardized format.
• There is Myth that says “Engineers have an advantage in CAT exam” but the actual
scenario is that this exam gives Engineers absolutely no advantage and moreover the
discrimination is against Engineers at every stage. The Idea that non-Engineers (or
girls, or students from commerce background) have a disadvantage going into CAT Exam
is Pish Posh.
• Learn math with a sense of joy. Learn from the basics and retain a sense of wonder
about math as the way Archimedes did and who proved, “If learnt well, math is
endlessly fascinating”. [P.S: Learn about how Archimedes ended his life in the link
below and that story is perhaps apocryphal.
• Mathematics is considered to be the queen of the Sciences since it is a fabulous
brain-exercise tool kit and is endlessly fascinating.
• Reading is one of the most joyful activities one can always find. If you can find
the right set of books, you can lose yourself for days. It will make you realize
that reading can get you out of a funk, prevent you from going into a funk, recharge
you, inspire you and do many more wonderful things to the way you think. For a
glorious reading list, click here - Reading
List for CAT
Relevance of Entrance with Management:
A Simple correlation concept will make you understand. There are students who are
very smart but have not cracked CAT. And so we can say with reasonable certainty
that someone who scores 99th percentile will be reasonably intelligent. The second
0ne is more relevant as far as the IIMs are concerned. CAT scores and general
intelligence in most cases carry a high correlation.
Check out this Quora link for more details: Quora
There is famous saying, “There are no shortcuts to Success”. Shortcuts
give an illusion of preparation more often and so Run from shortcuts with all your
Read more on Quora: Quora
• Math is most definitely not this thing that you need to have a phobia
about. Anyone afraid of math is someone who has not been taught math well.
• Learn math with a sense of joy. Learn from the basics and retain a sense of wonder
about math as the way Archimedes did and who proved, “If learnt well, math is
endlessly fascinating”.
• Mathematics is considered to be the queen of the Sciences since it is a fabulous
brain-exercise tool kit and is endlessly fascinating. Learn from basics, learn with
joy - the fear will go away.
[P.S: Learn about how Archimedes ended his life in the link below and that story is
perhaps apocryphal.]
Check out this Quora link for more details: Quora Answer
YouTube Video: Watch here
Checkout Bharath's
Reading list for CAT to get a curated reading list. This CAT Reading
list is created by Bharathwaj, PGDM from IIT-Madras and 99.21 %ile in VARC CAT 2019,
as a result of spending several thousand hours in reading thousands of articles and
picking articles that can help a CAT Aspirant in VARC Preparation for CAT, and has
about 800+ articles in this collection Reading is the elephant in the room. If you
are really looking for a curated list with a nice article reviewed and sent to you
gift-wrapped every day, you should join our Facebook Group – CAT
Prep online - 2IIM.. We post one article everyday on all our social media
platforms. If you want to seperately read articles from different sources then
articles from Economist, pre-video era Cricinfo, the Atlantic, the Guardian, Aeon,
Quanta magazine are all excellent.
As for novels, find a list of up to 50 fabulous books in this wonderful reading list
for CAT. Remember that anything written by PG Wodehouse is golden. Check out this
link - CAT Verbal Reading
Check out the below videos for book recommendations.
2IIM's Book Recommendations Part 1 - Watch
2IIM's Book Recommendations Part 2 - Watch
There are plenty of books available for CAT preparation at very low
cost. The best basic books for Quant are the NCERT books for classes VI to X and RD
Sharma/RS Agarwal. If you want tougher, more relevant questions to practice from,
you should visit the best CAT Question bank in the world - 2IIM CAT
Questions. It has great questions, even better solutions and some wonderful
video explanations. And also follow our Youtube Channel – 2IIM
CAT Preparation for a plenty of free preparatory videos.
But if you are really looking for a curated list with a nice article reviewed and
sent to you gift-wrapped every day, you should join our Facebook Group – CAT Prep online -
Check out this link - CAT Verbal Reading List.
There are plenty of websites that will give you this, but be very wary
of these. CAT did not release the actual paper from the years 2009 to 2016, so any
website giving these is creating these paper without a credible source. The CAT
papers from the years 2000 to 2008 are available for free (with solutions) inside
the 2IIM Online Course.
There were two sessions each in CAT 2017 and CAT 2018 – these 4 papers are likely to
be the best samples for CAT. These can be found here 2IIM's CAT Question
The PDF gives the questions with embedded links to video solutions for all of these.
One should start your CAT preparation by starting to understand that CAT
tests at max high school math, common sense and reading habit.
• Prepare from first principles so that your basics become automated.
• Don’t just Wander around, don’t learn in a straitjacket.
• Be relentless - this is a marathon testing your temperament and not a sprint.
• Dont merely plan which is the easiest part, execute the damn thing.
• Read a lot with variety and read it all the time.
How to prepare for CAT 2024 - Youtube Video
There are students who attempted 29 questions out of 34 in Verbal
Section and ended with 77ᵗʰ percentile, while there have been also been students
with just 28 attempts ending upwards of 99.xxᵗʰ percentile. And the reason behind
this is accuracy, which matters a lot.
Speaking about accuracy and students often end up with the “The last two choices
problem”. That is students narrow it down to two choices in the VARC section and
then end up choosing the one which they think is the right one. In the similar way
they take chances in these questions but do not take sufficient effort to resolve
this. The common mindset we often see is “It will be either of the two. If I attempt
10 questions like this, I will get 5 right. Let me not waste any more time and mark
the one you think it’s right.” This line of thought in most of the cases is
incorrect. The guys setting the exam paper have planted something in either choice B
or choice D that will make it easy to eliminate that and locating that thing will be
the key. This is an objective paper with one correct answer per question. When you
practice mocks, fight against that last step resistance and work aggressively on
improving accuracy will help you master this section. It is a common myth that
reading speed and vocabulary are important for VARC while they both count for
Check out this Quora link for more details: Quora Answer
YouTube Link - Watch Video
YouTube Link -
Watch Video.
YouTube Link -
Watch Video.
YouTube Link - Watch
We all know that the DILR Section of CAT is becoming increasingly
difficult with each passing year. It gets to a point where it’s hard to distinguish
between DI and LR that appears in actual CAT, so we noticed that and chose to
address this. All of us at 2IIM takes the CAT exam every single year to keep us
updated and also to know where we stand. Every single year, we ensure that the
interface is user friendly allowing students to make navigate easily. We also take
one section and revamp that section by improving the Content, Video/Audio quality,
Last year, we are have doubled the content available under the DILR section of our
online course. Apart from that, we have also added a testing engine that will allow
you to just come and solve a ton of questions (5000+) for practice in the form of
tests. You will also have detailed solutions so that you can go back and fix your
Check out this Quora link for more details:
Quora Answer
2IIM has an Android App for CAT preparation. The app contains lessons,
videos, slides and tests put together by a team of faculties who take up the exam
year after year.
Read More about the App on Quora:
Quora Answer.
We have an elaborative list of books for improving your reading habit.
Check the links below.
For a glorious reading list, Check out this link - CAT
Verbal Reading List
YouTube Link -
Watch Video
YouTube Link -
Watch Video
Find a list of up to 50 fabulous books in this wonderful reading list for CAT. Remember that anything written by PG Wodehouse is golden. Find a list of well-written blogs and websites here. Economist, pre-video era Cricinfo, the Atlantic are all excellent. But if you are really looking for a curated list with a nice article reviewed and sent to you gift-wrapped every day, you should join our Facebook Group – CAT Prep online - 2IIM. For Websites, check this link - CAT Verbal Reading List
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