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Which of the following countries does not border the Mediterranean Sea?
The Mumbai Interbank Bid Rate (MIBID) and the Mumbai Interbank Offer Rate (MIBOR) are yardsticks that control which of the following financial markets?
Name the city which was the capital of the ‘undivided’ Assam state immediately after independence.
Name the European country that signed a pact with India in March 2018 to deepen the cooperation in the field of environment management. The deal also affirms a commitment to fight climate change.
Name the two countries with which India has inked agreements to enable the successful mission called ‘Gaganyaan’ that is slated for 2022.
The ‘Kyoto Protocol’ which was adopted in 1997 by several countries in Kyoto, Japan focusses on which of the following aspects?
Name the Russian leader whose name is synonymous with the two reforms of Glasnost and Perestroika.
Name the Indian saint who wrote ‘Autobiography of a Yogi’
Sequence these four rivers in terms of their point of meeting the Bay of Bengal from north to south (i.e. from Kolkata down southwards to Kanyakumari).
According to the World Bank, which country is the highest recipient of remittances?
Of the five members listed from the erstwhile royal families of Kerala, one was a nationally known painter and artist. In his name, every year the government of Kerala award people for their excellence in the field of art and culture. Name this painter.
Of the five people listed below, four are Managing Directors and one is the Chairman of the State Bank of India (SBI) as of October 2018. Who among the five is the Chairman of SBI?
The prestigious Horlicks brand of GlaxoSmithKline has been recently brought over by another mega FMCG brand. Name the buyer company.
Which of the following countries is not a member of Union of European Football Association (UEFA)?
Which of the mobile service providers is going to launch Giga Fiber broadband?
What is the common name of the acidic combination of nitric acid and hydrochloric acid that can actually dissolve metals like gold and platinum?
Viacom18 is a popular entertainment network of India. Which of these channels does not belong to Viacom18?
Republic of Armenia is a UN member state but is not recognized by one of the UN member states. Identify the state.
Which of the following countries is the largest source of imports to India as on 31st March 2018?
Which of the following is a winter game which is very similar to Ice Hockey and is often considered as the national sport of Russia?
Which of the following liquids demonstrates a convex meniscus when confined within a glass tube?
Arrange these historical events in the order of their occurrence:
i. Introduction of Ryotwari System in India
ii. Vernacular Press Act
iii. Permanent settlement of Bengal
iv. Introduction of Rowlatt Act
What is Article 356 of Indian Constitution?
Which are the three sessions of the Parliament of India?
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