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Two lighthouses, located at points A and B on the earth, are 60 feet and 40 feet tall respectively. Each lighthouse is perfectly vertical and the land connecting A and B is perfectly flat. The topmost point of the lighthouse at A is A’ and of the lighthouse at B is B’. Draw line segments A’B and B’A, and let them intersect at point C’. Drop a perpendicular from C’ to touch the earth at point C. What is the length of CC’ in feet?
If A ʘ B = (A + B) × B, then what is (5 ʘ 2) ʘ 5 ?
Nalini has received a total of 600 WhatsApp messages from four friends Anita, Bina, Chaitra and Divya. Bina and Divya have respectively sent 30% and 20% of these messages, while Anita has sent an equal number of messages as Chaitra. Moreover, Nalini finds that of Anita’s, Bina’s, Chaitra’s and Divya’s messages, 60%, 40%, 80% and 50% respectively are jokes. What percentage of the jokes, received by Nalini, have been sent neither by Divya nor by Bina?
A man is laying stones, from start to end, along the two sides of a 200-meter-walkway.The stones are to be laid 5 meters apart from each other. When he begins, all the stones are present at the start of the walkway. He places the first stone on each side at the walkway’s start. For all the other stones, the man lays the stones first along one of the walkway’s sides, then along the other side in an exactly similar fashion. However, he can carry only one stone at a time. To lay each stone, the man walks to the spot, lays the stone, and then walks back to pick another. After laying all the stones, the man walks back to the start, which marks the end of his work. What is the total distance that the man walks in executing this work? Assume that the width of the walkway is negligible.
Two friends, Ram and Shyam, start at the same point, at the same time. Ram travels straight north at a speed of 10km/hr, while Shyam travels straight east at twice the speed of Ram. After 15 minutes, Shyam messages Ram that he is just passing by a large telephone tower and after another 15 minutes Ram messages Shyam that he is just passing by an old banyan tree. After some more time has elapsed, Ram and Shyam stop. They stop at the same point of time. If the straight-line distance between Ram and Shyam now is 50 km, how far is Shyam from the banyan tree (in km)? (Assume that Ram and Shyam travel on a flat surface.)
A rectangular swimming pool is 50 meters long and 25 meters wide. Its depth is always the same along its width but linearly increases along its length from 1 meter at one end to 4 meters at the other end. How much water (in cubic meters) is needed to completely fill the pool?
A rectangular field is 40 meters long and 30 meters wide. Draw diagonals on this field and then draw circles of radius 1.25 meters, with centers only on the diagonals. Each circle must fall completely within the field. Any two circles can touch each other but should not overlap.
What is the maximum number of such circles that can be drawn in the field?
What is the remainder if 1920 – 2019 is divided by 7?
Six drums are used to store water. Five drums are of equal capacity, while the sixth drum has double the capacity of each of these five drums. On one morning, three drums are found half full, two are found two-thirds full and one is found completely full. It is attempted to transfer all the water to the smaller drums. How many smaller drums are adequate to store the water?
When expressed in a decimal form, which of the following numbers will be nonterminating as well as non-repeating?
X, Y, and Z are three software experts, who work on upgrading the software in a number of identical systems. X takes a day off after every 3 days of work, Y takes a day off after every 4 days of work and Z takes a day off after every 5 days of work.
Starting afresh after a common day off,
i) X and Y working together can complete one new upgrade job in 6 days
ii) Z and X working together can complete two new upgrade jobs in 8 days
iii) Y and Z working together can complete three new upgrade jobs in 12 days
If X, Y and Z together start afresh on a new upgrade job (after a common day off), exactly how many days will be required to complete this job?
Ashok has a bag containing 40 cards, numbered with the integers from 1 to 40. No two cards are numbered with the same integer. Likewise, his sister Shilpa has another bag containing only five cards that are numbered with the integers from 1 to 5, with no integer repeating. Their mother, Latha, randomly draws one card each from Ashok’s and Shilpa’s bags and notes down their respective numbers. If Latha divides the number obtained from Ashok’s bag by the number obtained from Shilpa’s, what is the probability that the remainder will not be greater than 2?
In the figure given below, the circle has a chord AB of length 12 cm, which makes an angle of 60 at the center of the circle, O. ABCD, as shown in the diagram, is a rectangle. OQ is the perpendicular bisector of AB, intersecting the chord AB at P, the arc AB at M and CD at Q. OM = MQ. The area of the region enclosed by the line segments AQ and QB, and the arc BMA, is closest to (in cm2):
Read the information given below and answer the 2 associated questions.
190 students have to choose at least one elective and at most two electives from a list of three electives: E1, E2 and E3. It is found that the number of students choosing E1 is half the number of students choosing E2, and one third the number of students choosing E3.
Moreover, the number of students choosing two electives is 50.
Which of the following CANNOT be obtained from the given information?
In addition to the given information, which of the following information is NECESSARY and SUFFICIENT to compute the number of students choosing only E1, only E2 and only E3?
A box contains 6 cricket balls, 5 tennis balls and 4 rubber balls. Of these, some balls are defective. The proportion of defective cricket balls is more than the proportion of defective tennis balls but less than the proportion of defective rubber balls. Moreover, the overall proportion of defective balls is twice the proportion of defective tennis balls. What BEST can be said about the number of defective rubber balls in the box?
Mohanlal, a prosperous farmer, has a square land of side 2 km. For the current season, he decides to have some fun. He marks two distinct points on one of the diagonals of the land. Using these points as centers, he constructs two circles. Each of these circles falls completely within the land, and touches at least two sides of the land. To his surprise, the radii of both the circles are exactly equal to 2/3 km. Mohanlal plants potatoes on the overlapping portion of these circles.
Calculate the area on which Mohanlal planted potatoes (in sq. km).
A hare and a tortoise run between points O and P located exactly 6 km from each other on a straight line. They start together at O, go straight to P and then return to O along the same line. They run at constant speeds of 12 km/hr and 1 km/hr respectively. Since the tortoise is slower than the hare, the hare shuttles between O and P until the tortoise goes once to P and returns to O. During the run, how many times are the hare and the tortoise separated by an exact distance of 1 km from each other?
X, Y and Z start a web-based venture together. X invests Rs. 2.5 lakhs, Y invests Rs. 3.5 lakhs, and Z invests Rs. 4 lakhs. In the first year, the venture makes a profit of Rs. 2 lakhs. A part of the profit is shared between Y and Z in the ratio of 2:3, and the remaining profit is divided among X, Y and Z in the ratio of their initial investments.
The amount that Z receives is four times the amount that X receives. How much amount does Y receive?
A shop sells bags in three sizes: small, medium and large. A large bag costs Rs.1000, a medium bag costs Rs.200, and a small bag costs Rs.50. Three buyers, Ashish, Banti and Chintu, independently buy some numbers of these types of bags. The respective amounts spent by Ashish, Banti and Chintu are equal. Put together, the shop sells 1 large bag, 15 small bags and some medium bags to these three buyers. What is the minimum number of medium bags that the shop sells to them?
Consider the four variables A, B, C and D and a function Z of these variables,
Z = 15A2 − 3B4 + C + 0.5D. It is given that A, B, C and D must be non-negative integers and that all of the following relationships must hold:
i) 2A + B ≤ 2
ii) 4A + 2B + C ≤ 12
iii) 3A + 4B + D ≤ 15 If Z needs to be maximised, then what value must D take?
Read the information given below and answer the 3 associated questions.
The following graph depicts sector-wise percentage contributions to the gross domestic product (GDP) of nine nations, labelled "Nation A", "Nation B" and so on. It is known that these nations are Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, Japan, Russia, the UK and the USA, but not necessarily in the same order.
The following, however, are known:
i)The GDPs of the nine nations (in US$ trillion) are:
Nation | Brazil | China | France | Germany | Japan | India | Russia | UK | USA |
GDP | 2 | 10 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 17 |
ii)China has the highest agriculture sector GDP, valued at US $1 trillion, followed respectively by the USA and India
iii)In terms of percentage contribution to the respective nations' GDPs by their service sectors, the UK and France are respectively the first and the second
iv)Nation A, Nation B and Nation G have the same GDP
v)The GDP of India's industry sector is lower than the GDP of Russia's industry sector. However, it is larger than that of Brazil's industry sector
Based on the given information, how many nations can be uniquely identified?
Based on the given information, which of the following CANNOT be ruled out?
Which of the following information, when considered in addition to the given information, does not allow us to completely identify the nine nations in the graph?
Read the information given below and answer the 3 associated questions.
During 2015-2019, the revenues of four companies P-S were as follows:
YEAR | P | Q | R | S |
2015 | 150 | 125 | 150 | 100 |
2016 | 175 | 140 | 160 | 120 |
2017 | 200 | 180 | 180 | 140 |
2018 | 250 | 210 | 200 | 170 |
2019 | 250 | 220 | 240 | 180 |
Which of the given companies has seen the highest year-on-year growth (in percentage) in any single year during this five-year period?
It was discovered later that one of the companies misreported its revenue of one of the years. If the misreported revenue is replaced by the correct revenue, the revenues of that company over the five-year period will be in an arithmetic progression. The company that misreported its revenue was
During the period from 2014 to 2015, the revenue increased by 25% for three of the companies and by 50% for the remaining company. The total increase in revenue, for all four companies put together, was Rs. 125 lakhs.
Which of the following CANNOT be true?
XYZ is an equilateral triangle, inscribed in a circle. P is a point on the arc YZ such that X and P are on opposite sides of the chord YZ. Which of the following MUST always be true?
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