CAT 2020 Question Paper | CAT LR DI Slot 1

CAT Previous Year Paper | CAT DILR Questions | Question 3

This puzzle talks about the evaluation of the Cab drivers following some constraints mentioned in the passage. Why can't drivers be a part of a performance culture, huh? This is a classic Grid-Based puzzle where the main challenge is to draw the grid properly. Once you're done with that, you can effortlessly sail through this puzzle. Make sure you master these types of questions during your Online CAT Preparation by practicing lots of questions from the CAT Previous Year Paper.

CAT DILR : CAT 2020 Question Paper Slot 1

The local office of the APP-CAB company evaluates the performance of five cab drivers, Arun, Barun, Chandan, Damodaran, and Eman for their monthly payment based on ratings in five different parameters (P1 to P5) as given below:
P1: timely arrival
P2: behaviour
P3: comfortable ride
P4: driver's familiarity with the route
P5: value for money

Based on feedback from the customers, the office assigns a rating from 1 to 5 in each of these parameters. Each rating is an integer from a low value of 1 to a high value of 5. The final rating of a driver is the average of his ratings in these five parameters. The monthly payment of the drivers has two parts โ€“ a fixed payment and final rating-based bonus. If a driver gets a rating of 1 in any of the parameters, he is not eligible to get bonus. To be eligible for bonus a driver also needs to get a rating of five in at least one of the parameters.

The partial information related to the ratings of the drivers in different parameters and the monthly payment structure (in rupees) is given in the table below:

The following additional facts are known.

1. Arun and Barun have got a rating of 5 in exactly one of the parameters. Chandan has got a rating of 5 in exactly two parameters.
2. None of drivers has got the same rating in three parameters.

Question 3 : If all five drivers get bonus, what is the minimum possible value of the monthly payment (in rupees) that a driver gets?

  1. 1600
  2. 1700
  3. 1740
  4. 1750

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Explanatory Answer

Set 1

Set 1

Set 1

Set 1

Set 1

The question is " If all five drivers get bonus, what is the minimum possible value of the monthly payment (in rupees) that a driver gets? "

Hence, the answer is '1700'

Choice B is the correct answer.


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