CAT 2022 Question Paper | DILR Slot 2

CAT Previous Year Paper | CAT DILR Questions | Question 9

CAT 2022 DILR saw a change in patter. Unlike the previous years, all the four sets had 5 questions this year. There were 6 TITA Qs this year. Atleast two sets were doable in each slot and one of the four sets was extremely tough. Choice of Sets became a crucial factor. Overall this section was at a medium to high level of difficulty.

Every day a widget supplier supplies widgets from the warehouse (W) to four locations � Ahmednagar (A), Bikrampore (B), Chitrachak (C), and Deccan Park (D). The daily demand for widgets in each location is uncertain and independent of each other. Demands and corresponding probability values (in parenthesis) are given against each location (A, B, C, and D) in the figure below. For example, there is a 40% chance that the demand in Ahmednagar will be 50 units and a 60% chance that the demand will be 70 units. The lines in the figure connecting the locations and warehouse represent two-way roads connecting those places with the distances (in km) shown beside the line. The distances in both the directions along a road are equal. For example, the road from Ahmednagar to Bikrampore and the road from Bikrampore to Ahmednagar are both 6 km long.

Every day the supplier gets the information about the demand values of the four locations and creates the travel route that starts from the warehouse and ends at a location after visiting all the locations exactly once. While making the route plan, the supplier goes to the locations in decreasing order of demand. If there is a tie for the choice of the next location, the supplier will go to the location closest to the current location. Also, while creating the route, the supplier can either follow the direct path (if available) from one location to another or can take the path via the warehouse. If both paths are available (direct and via warehouse), the supplier will choose the path with minimum distance.

Question 9 : If the first location visited from the warehouse is Ahmednagar, then what is the chance that the total distance covered in the route is 40 km?

  1. 3.24%
  2. 30%
  3. 5.4%
  4. 18%

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The question is " If the first location visited from the warehouse is Ahmednagar, then what is the chance that the total distance covered in the route is 40 km? "

Hence, the answer is '18%'

Choice D is the correct answer.

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