IPMAT 2020 Question Paper Rohtak Verbal Ability. Solve questions from IPMAT 2020 Question Paper from IPM Rohtak and check the solutions to get adequate practice.
Directions (1 - 2). Each question consist of two words which have a certain relationship to each other followed by four pairs of related words, Select the pair which has the same relationship
Directions (3 - 4): In each of the following questions, a word has been used in sentences in four different ways. Choose the option corresponding to the sentence in which the usage of the word is INCORRECT or INAPPROPRIATE.
Directions (5 - 6): In the question given below two statements are given which are grammatically correct and meaningful. Connect them by choosing the word given below the statements in the best possible way without changing the intended meaning. Choose the best possible word as your answer accordingly from the options to form a correct, coherent sentence.
(I) especially in their own languages because it ensures a better understanding of subjects
(II) of the important themes are to ensure that students have ready access to the right learning material
(I) The unemployment rate has dropped sharply this quarter.
(II) It may only be temporary.
Directions (7 - 8): In the question given below few sentences are given which are grammatically correct and meaningful. Connect them by the word given before the statements in the best possible way without changing the intended meaning. Choose your answer accordingly from the options to form a correct, coherent sentence.
(I) Doordarshan is also a great window to the global market place. Goods and services are continuously being sold through Doordarshan's dream world.
(II) All news is elite centered; but Doordarshan telecast is usually more ethnocentric. Its accent is on people, places and events.
(III) With over 1 billion people talking in several languages and a variety of lifestyles to boot, it is obvious one cannot address all of them together all the time.
(IV) Doordarshan's promotions must go beyond mere reportage of facts, and capture the story between the lines.
(I) It is ironic, not tragic, that minorities in our country have come to be identified with religion and not with community or profession.
(II) The establishment of many such organizations are testimony to the growing antagonism to secularism.
(III) Secularism today is being taken as a threat to religious identities, to the existence of religious diversities, though secularism was never conceived as such.
(IV) This is the reason that secularism today has come to mean as preservation of religious minorities in their traditional modes.
Direction for Question 9: Kindly choose the appropriate word for connecting the following sentences.
(I) The milkman in my neighborhood likes to talk to his customers.
(II) He provides them milk in every morning.
Direction (10 - 11) : Complete the following sentences.
Naveen is so lazy that he .......
"You are thinking very highly about Prashant but he is not so" means
Direction (12 - 13) : Find the erroneous part of the given sentence
The war of Mahabharata (a) / is the full length illustration (b) / of a righteous war (c) / No error (d)
To perform this experiment (a) / drop little sugar (b) / into a glass of water(c) / No error (d)
Directions (14 - 15) : Read the following comprehension carefully and answer the questions accordingly.
One spring, while visiting in the little village among the High Mountains where her ancestors had dwelt for _____ my Aunt kindled the callow fancy of my uncle, Howard Carpenter, then an idle, shiftless boy of twenty-one.
Which word, if inserted in the blank, makes the most sense in the context of the passage?
What is the meaning of the word shiftless as it is used in the passage?
Directions (16 - 17) : Read the following comprehension carefully and answer the questions accordingly.
Mahatma Gandhi believed that industrialisation was no answer to the problems that plague the mass of India's poor and that villagers should be taught to be self-sufficient in food, weave their own cloth from cotton and eschew the glittering prizes that the 20 th century so temptingly offers. Such an idyllic and rural paradise did not appear to those who inherited the reins of political power.
The meaning of 'glittering prizes that the 20 th century so temptingly offers' is
The basis of 'an idyllic and rural paradise' is
Directions (18 - 20). In questions given below, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can best substitute the given sentence.
Someone who is willing to take risks or to do something shocking
To use special chemicals, smoke or gas to destroy the harmful insects or bacteria in a place
It's a state in which a person has apprehensions all the time about their well-being and considers that they are ill.
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