JIPMAT Question Paper Verbal. Solve questions from JIPMAT 2021 Question Paper and check the solutions to get adequate practice.
Read the following passage and answer the question that follows.
Earth is the only planet so far know with the suitable environment for sustaining life. Man has been tampering with the ecosphere for a long time and is forced to recognize that environmental resources are scarce. Environmental problems are really social problems. They begin with people as cause and end with people as victims. Unplanned use of resources has resulted in the depletion of fossil fuels, pollution of air and water, deforestation which has resulted in ecological imbalance and draining away of national wealth through heavy expenditure on oil and power generation.
Depletion of fossil fuels, pollution of air and water and deforestation will never occur in case of
Choose the word which is most nearly the same in meaning to the word ‘VENERATE’.
Choose the word which is opposite in meaning to the word ‘AUDACIOUS’
Fill in the blanks by the proper preposition in the sentence
What is the time __________ your watch?
Fill in the blanks by the same proper word from the given option in both the sentences.
A. The manager is not __________ for his position.
B. In a __________ of anger, the teacher turned him out of the class.
In this question, out of the four options choose the one which can be substituted for the sentence. One who feels at home in every country
In this question, four options are given for the idiom underlined in the sentence. Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the idiom.
For his alleged involvement in espionage, he is under a cloud these days.
The following phrase is followed by four options. One of the options best describes its meaning. Select the correct option.
A thing of little or no importance
Select the word which is correctly spelt.
In this question, a sentence has been given in Active voice. From the given options, choose the one which best expresses the given statement in Passive voice.
The cat drank all the milk.
In this question, a sentence has been given in Direct form. Out of the four options, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Indirect form.
He said, “I must go at once”.
From the given options, identify the tense used in the sentence
“Welcome to the ceremony”.
In this question, six words are given which are denoted by I, II, III, IV, V and VI. By using all the six words, each only once, you have to frame a meaningful and grammatically correct sentence. The correct order of the words is your answer, to be chosen by you from the given options.
I. it; II. wanted; III. not; IV. you; V. is; VI. what
In this question, a pair of words is given with certain relationship followed by four pairs of words. Choose the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair. MAN : HUMANITY
In this question, a sentence has been split into four parts denoted as P, Q, R and S. These parts are jumbled up. Rearrange the jumbled parts to make a meaningful sentence.
P. far beyond that any minory communalism can
Q. that in a democratic setup like India,
R. and this for the simple reason
S. majority communalism can acquire power
Certain parts in the following sentence are underlined. One of the parts has an error. Identify that part from the given options.
She is not one of those who is so foolish.
In this question, there are two sentences I and II, each having a black, followed by four words. Select only one word which fills both the blanks.
I. The company has agreed in __________ to our suggestion.
II. The equipment works on the __________ of Archimedes.
Read the following passage and answer the question that follows.
There are many types of protein molecules in the body, and each type is specific to its function. For example, proteins such as keratin and collagen give strength and elasticity to hair, as well as to skin and tendons; haemoglobin and myoglobin are the oxygenbinding proteins of the blood and the muscle respectively; and ovalbumin, the principal protein off egg white is responsible for setting and foaming properties of eggs. A particularly important group of proteins know as enzymes, direct all the body cells to produce chemical reactions. These reactions provide the basis of every type of cell activity, including growth, repair, the production of energy and the excretion of waste products.
Proteins are classified according to
In this question, each option has a pair of words. Each pair consists of words which are more or less similar in meaning (synonyms). However, one pair of words may be wrong. Select the pair which is wrong.
In this question, word pairs consist of words which are opposite in meaning to each other (antonyms). Select the pair which consist of words which are not opposite in meaning.
Fill in the blanks by the proper preposition in the sentence
I have not seen him __________ a long time.
Fill in the blanks by proper word in the sentence.
He was frightened __________.
In this question, Out of the four options choose the one which can be substituted for the sentence.
A general pardon granted by the Government to political offenders
In the following sentence, an idiom is underlined and is followed by four options of the words. Select from the options, the one which is nearest to the underlined idiom.
He was all at sea when he began his new job.
In the following sentence, a phrase is underlined and is followed by four options of the words. Select from the options of the words. Select from the options, the one which is nearest in meaning to the underlined phrase.
Those who work by fits and starts seldom show good results.
In this question, select the word which is incorrectly spelt.
In the question, a sentence has been given in Active voice. Out of the four options, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Passive voice.
Who wrote it?
In this question, a sentence has been given in Indirect form. Out of the four options suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Direct form. He says that he is very sorry.
From the given options, identify the tense used in the sentence “Everyone shall be reaching by tomorrow.”
In this question, six words are given which are denoted by I, II, III, IV, V and VI. By using all six words, each only once, you have to frame a meaningful and grammatically correct sentence. The correct order of the words is your answer, to be chosen by you from the given options.
I. development; II. are; III. routes; IV. there; V. of; VI. three
In this question, a related pair of words is followed by four pair of words. Select the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair.
In this question, a sentence has been split into four parts denoted as P, Q, R and S. These parts are jumbled up. Rearrange the jumbled parts to make a meaningful sentence.
P. among ordinary people to see health as a
Q. is that there is an increasing tendency
R. right and responsibility
S. the only hopeful sign in such a situation
Certain parts in the following sentence are underlined. One of the parts has an error. Identity that part from the given options.
Mr. Gupta, our Chairman, accompanied by his secretary have arrived at the office.
In this question, there are two sentences I and II, each having a black, followed by four words, Select only one word which fills both the blanks.
I. The child sat __________ through the long sermon.
II. We have __________ to receive the documents.
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