XAT 2021 Question Paper | Bussiness Decision Making

XAT Previous Year Paper | XAT BDM Questions | Question 7

The best questions to practice for XAT Exam are the actual XAT Question Papers. 2IIM offers you exactly that, in a student friendly format to take value from this. In XAT 2021 we saw some beautiful questions that laid emphasis on Learning ideas from basics and being able to comprehend more than remembering gazillion formulae and shortcuts. Original XAT Question paper is the best place to start off your XAT prep practice. This page provides exactly that. To check out about 1000 CAT Level questions with detailed video solutions for free, go here: CAT Question Bank

Read the following scenario and answer the three questions that follow.
Himaja was among the top ten students of her Business Management batch. She got placed in a reputed strategy consulting firm during campus placements. She was delighted to work under Nirmal, her superior, who was known for grooming many stars in the organisation. Nevertheless, he was also regarded as a hard taskmaster. Though she was a fresh recruit, she longed to be in a client-facing role.

Question 7 : During an informal office gathering, Himaja mustered up courage to ask Nirmal for a client-facing role.
Which of the following reasons, if true, will BEST justify Nirmal saying “no” to Himaja?

  1. Himaja’s teammates are not happy with her communication skills.
  2. Himaja needs to improve her presentation skills.
  3. Himaja leaves early and client meetings go late into the night.
  4. Clients do not appreciate strategic discussions with fresh recruits.
  5. Clients do not take young women seriously during discussions.

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The answer is 'Clients do not appreciate strategic discussions with fresh recruits.'

Choice D is the correct answer.

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