XAT 2025 Question Paper | Bussiness Decision Making

XAT Previous Year Paper | XAT BDM Questions | Question 20
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Read the following scenario and answer the THREE questions that follow.

Ned Flanders and Homer Simpson Partners Limited is a law firm, known for its unwavering commitment to client satisfaction. They treat the clients as family members who have grown along with the firm. Further, they are highly regarded in the industry, consulted by the country’s top organizations. Among the founders, Homer Simpson is flamboyant, while Ned Flanders is serious. Together, they bring a dynamic balance to the team.
The organization believes in a strong socialization ritual that bonds the new lawyers (newcomers) with the existing members. Also, the socialization ritual ensures that newcomers fully understand the nature of their work and integrate seamlessly into the company’s culture. During their first week, newcomers are overloaded with a barrage of artificial tasks, unexpected client calls, and a challenging meeting with the founders. This results in newcomers getting overwhelmed, and doubting their decision to join the firm, only for the founders to meet them and reveal that this is one big prank and a way to welcome them to the organization. This socialization ritual has served them well for the past two decades. However, not all the newcomers appreciate the utility of this ritual.
One of the lawyers, Ms. Lisa Simpleton, who joined in 2025 and went through the same socialization ritual, found it unwelcoming. She believes that other newcomers might also share the same opinion. Lisa thinks that the current generation, especially post-COVID, needs more friendly welcome, and the firm must put an end to this ritual.

Question 20 : When a new batch of lawyers joins the organization in 2024, they receive an anonymous email, warning them about the socialization ritual, just as it is about to start. Though no newcomer paid heed to the mail, the founders are furious. They call a meeting, and announce that while employees are welcome to express their opinions, this cowardly act of sending an anonymous email shall not be tolerated.
The watercooler discussions murmur Lisa’s name. Lisa is pleased that someone shares her perspective on the socialization ritual and has acted. However, she did not write the aforementioned email. As her name continues to be mentioned, she feels overwhelmed and wonders if she needs to do something about it.

Which of the following actions by Lisa can BEST enable her to defuse the situation?

  1. She should meet the founders and share that while she has reservations about the practice, she did not send the anonymous email.
  2. She should send a public email clarifying that while she has reservations about the practice, she is not the author of the anonymous email.
  3. She should publicly apologize for having questioned the tradition of the organization to put all doubts to rest.
  4. She should simply focus on her work, and hope that the founders would ignore the rumours.
  5. She should apologize to the founders, taking accountability for creating a climate that resulted in someone sending the anonymous email.

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The question is "Which of the following actions by Lisa can BEST enable her to defuse the situation?"

Hence, the answer is 'She should meet the founders and share that while she has reservations about the practice, she did not send the anonymous email.'

Choice A is the correct answer.

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