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Read the following scenario and answer the THREE questions that
TrueColor, an event management company in eastern India, had been in
a business of inviting Tollywood singers to a city called Tivanna, and made money out of
selling tickets of their concerts. The stars were paid a fixed fee regardless of the number
of tickets sold. The company had a specialized team that negotiated the singers’ fee with
their managers. However, for selling the tickets of such events, they were reliant on an
external media agency called Zedius. Zedius had a long-standing relationship with TrueColor,
and had been instrumental in achieving a target of 50,000 tickets for each of the flagship
Mr. Sukanta Rao joined TrueColor as an inhouse sales and marketing manager, a position
exclusively created for him. The CEO, Mr. Adil Banerjee, had assigned a task of increasing
the sales of tickets to 100,000. In Sukanta’s earlier stint, he had seen that similar cities
sell more than 75,000 tickets for such events. He felt that, over time, reaching 100,000 was
plausible for TrueColor.
Question 18 : The following year, Sukanta discussed with Adil that
unless they got into the ticket
selling process, they might not be able to improve the ticket numbers. However, this
would mean moving away from Zedius, and the transition could cause short-term pains
since TrueColor would be entering into unchartered territory. Further, Sukanta added
that TrueColor would achieve self-sufficiency over couple of years. Adil was concerned
about the risk of taking over an activity that the organization was not competent at,
but understood Sukanta’s point. In the interest of building long-term competencies, he
authorized Sukanta to take it forward. Sukanta did not renew Zedius’s contract in the
following year; instead, he recruited a skeletal team of three freshers from a premier
business school as his support staff.
As the event approached, the team dedicated themselves to executing their plan. However,
by the time the ticket sales window closed, they managed to sell only 40,000 tickets.
This shift in strategy provoked considerable dissent within the company, challenging
Sukanta's decision.
Disturbed by the situation, witnessing the internal turmoil, Adil must now navigate the
company's immediate reaction.
Which of the following should now be Adil’s BEST
course of action?
Explanation will be uploaded soon...
The question is " Which of the following should now be Adil’s BEST course of action?"
Choice E is the correct answer.
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