XAT 2025 Question Paper | Verbal Ability and Logical Reasoning

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Read the following poem and answer the TWO questions that follow.

Look how you turned on
the ceiling fan—it’s too high,
see how it shakes and trembles.
You walk into this room
with your hot ideas
and the ceiling fan has to work harder
to cool down the room
for us. You walk into this room
with your crazy eyes
and the ceiling fan
wants to fly loose. It dreams
of becoming a spider lily.

Which of the following statements BEST conveys the theme of the poem?

    1. The poem conveys a subtle art of argumentation and counter-argumentation.
    2. The poem talks about inner conflict resolved by an attempt to restore balance.
    3. The poem talks about a conflict between transformation and escapism.
    4. The poem conveys fear and anxiety due to the loss of stability.
    5. The poem conveys quest for self during emotional turmoil.

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    Explanatory Answer

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    The answer is 'The poem conveys fear and anxiety due to the loss of stability.'

    Choice D is the correct answer.

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