How to Prepare for XAT BDM?

Online XAT Coaching from 2IIM

Before you get into How to prepare for XAT BDM, it is best to know what XAT is all about. If you want to get a holistic idea about XAT Exam’s Syllabus, the selection process, Eligibility, and other details like what other management exams to write and what the syllabus is for those exams - It is best to visit this page. If you already have an idea about all that, read ahead on How to prepare for the XAT BDM?

How to Prepare for XAT BDM?

XAT Business Decision Making is a tricky section because it looks very subjective; also, it might seem like not enough practice material is available. Let us see how to go about preparing for the XAT BDM section.

The best place to start preparing for this section is past years’ XAT papers. Go through all of them, and solve a bunch of BDM sets. Sometimes, it so happens that even after solving a bunch of questions in the XAT BDM section and analyzing the answers for them, you might still not be convinced about the answers. This is a natural by-product of the BDM section as such; it is perfectly alright and happens to almost everybody. The point of doing this exercise is to get a feel for the kind of questions which will appear in this section. More importantly, the BDM section comprises various themes such as ethical questions, business related questions, geopolitical questions etc. Solving past years’ XAT BDM sets will give you a broad overview and some ideas about the kinds of themes that you are comfortable with. Eventually, this results in you figuring out your strengths and weaknesses.

You should be gravitating towards those questions where you can naturally pick the nuances and leave those other questions that you are not comfortable with. Also, this will help you in getting the required hit rate for a good score in the XAT BDM section. It is way better to attempt 8 questions and be confident of getting 7 of them right than attempting 12 questions and end up getting only 2 right. The first step in preparing for the XAT BDM section is to become better at leaving questions. Then comes the part of getting better at marking the right answer for the questions you pick.

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While solving XAT BDM questions, there are a bunch of things to keep in mind, to improve your ability to spot correct answers.

  1.  The answer you pick cannot suggest anything borderline illegal or unethical. For example, if the option says, “In large companies, some indiscretions are bound to happen and those matters will be dealt internally”, you must stay away from this option. This is because matters like these should be dealt out in the open. You should always anchor around options which are legally and ethically right. This will help you eliminate one or two options in many BDM questions.

  2.  Generally, as a rule of thumb, do not gravitate towards options that are very passive. For example, if one of the options says, “Nothing needs to be done as everything will get sorted out with time”, stay away from those options as well. The “Don’t do anything” options are generally incorrect. If your gut tells it could be the answer, reread the options and reevaluate them.

  3.  Look for clues given in the language. This is important especially for the XAT BDM section as this might be the crucial differentiator for eliminating one of the last 2 options. For example, “A financial irregularity being discovered” is very different from “Investigating complaints of impropriety”. The former tells us that the irregularity has happened, while the latter informs us that the complaint is being investigated and nothing is yet conclusive. Both options look similar but spotting these subtle nuances makes all the difference. There is another example to illustrate the ‘looking for clues’ aspect in the XAT BDM section. If the question says, “Pick the most suitable and sustainable option”, there may be one option which is most suitable and might work temporarily for the time being. But the question mentions ‘sustainable’ as well. Hence, it asks for a suitable option that works in the long run rather than a temporary band aid solution. Observing clues like these will help you pick the right option. While practicing questions, make it a habit to read and reread the question(s) and options carefully before answering. This will help you pick the tone and nuances in the question(s).

    Watch the above video to get more insights on how to prepare for this section.

Not having enough practice questions/material is one side of the coin, but solving the questions at your disposal, with some deliberate effort and diligence, keeping all the above-mentioned points in mind, is uber-crucial. Qualitative practice matters a lot as far as this section is concerned but quantity also adds value if you can get your hands-on loads of questions.

If you want more XAT BDM sets to solve apart from previous year papers, click here to check out our XAT 2021 crash course which includes 7 fabulous BDM sets with detailed video solutions explaining the thought process behind answering each question, for free.

Sample XAT BDM videos

Check out these sample YouTube videos where we have solved XAT BDM sets with detailed explanations. Click here to watch the full list of XAT BDM questions with detailed video explanations, on our YouTube channel.

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