XAT 2019 Question Paper | Business Decision Making

XAT Previous Year Paper | XAT BDM Questions | Question 2

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Question 2 : Ms. Deelipa has asked you to conduct a Non Teaching Staff Induction Training. You are to call for a tender from various agencies with specifications that include the contents, duration, experience, budget and other relevant information. You then need to shortlist five agencies from the list of 20 and make a presentation within two days. Review the following responses:
1. Rate all 20 agencies on a scale of 1 to 5 on information available and select the top 5.
2. Select the five lowest bids based on the price quoted.
3. Seek selection criteria from Deelipa and the HR Director and shortlist the bidders accordingly.
4. Follow the advise of a person who has completed a similar task.

Select the best of the following responses in the descending order of effectiveness?

  1. 4,1,3
  2. 1,3,4
  3. 3,2,4
  4. 1,2,3
  5. 3,1,2

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Explanatory Answer

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Choice E is the correct answer.


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