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Read the following passage and answer the THREE questions that follow.
Interpretation in our own time, however, is even more complex. For the contemporary zeal for
the project of interpretation is often prompted not by piety toward the troublesome text
(which may conceal an aggression), but by an open aggressiveness, an overt contempt for
appearances. The old style of interpretation was insistent, but respectful; it erected
another meaning on top of the literal one. The modern style of interpretation excavates, and
as it excavates, destroys; it digs “behind” the text, to find a sub-text which is the true
one. The most celebrated and influential modern doctrines, those of Marx and Freud, actually
amount to elaborate systems of hermeneutics, aggressive and impious theories of
interpretation. All observable phenomena are bracketed, in Freud’s phrase, as manifest
content. This manifest content must be probed and pushed aside to find the true meaning—the
latent content beneath. For Marx, social events like revolutions and wars; for Freud, the
events of individual lives (like neurotic symptoms and slips of the tongue) as well as texts
(like a dream or a work of art)—all are treated as occasions for interpretation. According
to Marx and Freud, these events only seem to be intelligible. Actually, they have no meaning
without interpretation. To understand is to interpret. And to interpret is to restate the
phenomenon, in effect to find an equivalent for it.
Thus, interpretation is not (as most people assume) an absolute value, a gesture of mind
situated in some timeless realm of capabilities. Interpretation must itself be evaluated,
within a historical view of human consciousness. In some cultural contexts, interpretation
is a liberating act. It is a means of revising, of transvaluing, of escaping the dead past.
In other cultural contexts, it is reactionary, impertinent, cowardly and stifling.
What does the author mean by “Thus, interpretation is not…a gesture of mind situated in some timeless realm of capabilities?”
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Choice D is the correct answer.
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