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Read the following scenario and answer the THREE questions that
Mr. Zubin Mistry is the owner and the chief editor of the newspaper
The Pluralist, renowned for its high reporting standards and outstanding writing quality.
The Pluralist’s authentic reporting distinguishes it from other newspapers that
sensationalize news. They are responsible employers, known to be highly supportive towards
their employees. Its news editing team is led by Ms. Ramya Kattabomman, a respected veteran
in the newspaper reporting industry, well-known for her stringent adherence to the ethical
standards of newspaper reporting.
Mr. Aditya Swaroop Verma, an award-winning senior journalist, has brought in an exposé into
the activities of a mining company, operating in an ecologically vulnerable area. In his
hard-hitting reporting style, he has presented interviews with tens of people, delineating
how the mining company has used illegal means to start mining in that area. These mining
activities may lead to the destruction of the local ecological balance. However, Aditya
Swaroop is unable to obtain an interview with the management of the mining company.
Aditya Swaroop’s investigative report article offers significant revelations about the
alleged illegal activities of the mining company which were hardly covered in the media
otherwise. Nevertheless, his sources have requested for complete anonymity.
Question 15 : After the article is published in The Pluralist, the
mining company pushes back with a
public declaration, contesting some of the findings of the article.
This has hit Aditya Swaroop’s reputation because he trusted unreliable sources.
Nevertheless, he is confident about the illegal activities of the mining company; he
wants to redeem himself. He approaches Zubin with a request to go back to the mining
company project to find new sources and rewrite an article with reliable pieces of
evidence. Though his fresh investigation will require time and money, it might also
enhance the reputation of the newspaper.
Zubin respects Aditya Swaroop and wants his reputation to be restored. However, Zubin is
confident that continuing to work on the mining company project will not yield any
Which of the following actions by Zubin will BEST enable Aditya
Swaroop to enhance his diminishing reputation?
Explanation will be uploaded soon...
The question is " Which of the following actions by Zubin will BEST enable Aditya Swaroop to enhance his diminishing reputation? "
Choice C is the correct answer.
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