CAT 2020 Question Paper | CAT LR DI Slot 3

CAT Previous Year Paper | CAT DILR Questions | Question 18

In CAT Question Paper, we saw some excellent questions that lay considerable emphasis on the very basics, rather than testing complex mathematics computations. This question is exactly like that. Try this beautiful question from CAT Previous Year Paper and level up your CAT Preparation Online.

CAT DILR : CAT 2020 Question Paper Slot 3

A survey of 600 schools in India was conducted to gather information about their online teaching learning processes (OTLP).

The following four facilities were studied.
F1:  Own software for OTLP
F2:  Trained teachers for OTLP
F3:  Training materials for OTLP
F4:  All students having Laptops

The following observations were summarized from the survey. 
1. 80 schools did not have any of the four facilities โ€“ F1, F2, F3, F4.
2. 40 schools had all four facilities.
3. The number of schools with only F1, only F2, only F3, and only F4 was 25, 30, 26 and 20 respectively.
4. The number of schools with exactly three of the facilities was the same irrespective of which three were considered.
5. 313 schools had F2.
6. 26 schools had only F2 and F3 (but neither F1 nor F4).
7. Among the schools having F4, 24 had only F3, and 45 had only F2.
8. 162 schools had both F1 and F2.
9. The number of schools having F1 was the same as the number of schools having F4.

Question 18 : What was the number of schools having facilities F2 and F4?

  1. 185
  2. 95
  3. 45
  4. 85

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The question is " What was the number of schools having facilities F2 and F4? "

Hence, the answer is '185'

Choice A is the correct answer.


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