CAT 2020 Question Paper | CAT LR DI Slot 3

CAT Previous Year Paper | CAT DILR Questions | Question 7

This is a wonderful set from CAT Previous Year Paper 2020 which is based about a bidding game, where the participants gain/lose points depending on their bid. Crack this beautiful puzzle that appeared in the CAT 2020 Question Paper to nail the DILR section of the CAT exam.

CAT DILR : CAT 2020 Question Paper Slot 3

The Hi-Lo game is a four-player game played in six rounds. In every round, each player chooses to bid Hi or Lo. The bids are made simultaneously. If all four bid Hi, then all four lose 1 point each. If three players bid Hi and one bids Lo, then the players bidding Hi gain 1 point each and the player bidding Lo loses 3 points. If two players bid Hi and two bid Lo, then the players bidding Hi gain 2 points each and the players bidding Lo lose 2 points each. If one player bids Hi and three bid Lo, then the player bidding Hi gains 3 points and the players bidding Lo lose 1 point each. If all four bid Lo, then all four gain 1 point each.
Four players Arun, Bankim, Charu, and Dipak played the Hi-Lo game. The following facts are known about their game:
1. At the end of three rounds, Arun had scored 6 points, Dipak had scored 2 points, Bankim and Charu had scored -2 points each.
2. At the end of six rounds, Arun had scored 7 points, Bankim and Dipak had scored -1 point each, and Charu had scored -5 points. 
3. Dipakโ€™s score in the third round was less than his score in the first round but was more than his score in the second round.
4. In exactly two out of the six rounds, Arun was the only player who bid Hi.

Question 7 : What were the bids by Arun, Bankim, Charu and Dipak, respectively in the first round?

  1. Hi, Lo, Lo, Lo
  2. Lo, Lo, Lo, Hi
  3. Hi, Lo, Lo, Hi
  4. Hi, Hi, Lo, Lo

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The question is " What were the bids by Arun, Bankim, Charu and Dipak, respectively in the first round? "

Hence, the answer is 'Hi, Lo, Lo, Hi'

Choice C is the correct answer.


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