CAT 2021 Question Paper | VARC Slot 3

CAT Previous Year Paper | CAT VARC Questions | Question 20

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Question 20 : The four sentences (labelled 1, 2, 3 and 4) below, when properly sequenced would yield a coherent paragraph. Decide on the proper sequencing of the order of the sentences and key in the sequence of the four numbers as your answer:
1. Restitution of artefacts to original cultures could faces legal obstacles, as many Western museums are legally prohibited from disposing off their collections.
2. This is in response to countries like Nigeria, which are pressurising European museums to return their precious artefacts looted by colonisers in the past.
3. Museums in Europe today are struggling to come to terms with their colonial legacy, some taking steps to return artefacts but not wanting to lose their prized collections.
4. Legal hurdles notwithstanding, politicians and institutions in France and Germany would now like to defuse the colonial time bombs, and are now backing the return of part of their holdings.

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Explanatory Answer

Sentence 3 is the best opening sentence. Sentence 3 talks about some European museums taking steps to return artefacts; 2 states what these steps are in response to. So, we have the order 32. 14 is a unit, with 1 talking about the legal hurdles in the restitution of artefacts and 4 following this up with what some countries would like to do, legal hurdles notwithstanding. So, 3214 is the correct order.

The answer is '3214'

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