CAT 2023 Question Paper | DILR Slot 2

CAT Previous Year Paper | CAT DILR Questions | Question 7

CAT 2023 DILR did not have a change in pattern. Atleast two sets were doable in each slot and one of the four sets was extremely tough. Choice of Sets became a crucial factor. Overall this section was at a medium to high level of difficulty.

Three participants โ€“ Akhil, Bimal and Chatur participate in a random draw competition for five days. Every day, each participant randomly picks up a ball numbered between 1 and 9. The number on the ball determines his score on that day. The total score of a participant is the sum of his scores attained in the five days. The total score of a day is the sum of participants' scores on that day. The 2-day average on a day, except on Day 1, is the average of the total scores of that day and of the previous day. For example, if the total scores of Day 1 and Day 2 are 25 and 20, then the 2-day average on Day 2 is calculated as 22.5. Table 1 gives the 2-day averages for Days 2 through 5.

Table 1: 2-day averages for Days 2 through 5
Day 2 Day 3 Day4 Day 5
15 15.5 16 17

Participants are ranked each day, with the person having the maximum score being awarded the minimum rank (1) on that day. If there is a tie, all participants with the tied score are awarded the best available rank. For example, if on a day Akhil, Bimal, and Chatur score 8, 7 and 7 respectively, then their ranks will be 1, 2 and 2 respectively on that day. These ranks are given in Table 2.
Table 2: Ranks of participants on each day
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Akhil 1 2 2 3 3
Bimal 2 3 2 1 1
Chatur 3 1 1 2 2

The following information is also known.
1. Chatur always scores in multiples of 3. His score on Day 2 is the unique highest score in the competition. His minimum score is observed only on Day 1, and it matches Akhil's score on Day 4.
2. The total score on Day 3 is the same as the total score on Day 4.
3. Bimal's scores are the same on Day 1 and Day 3.

Question 7 : Who attains the maximum total score?

  1. Chatur
  2. Bimal
  3. Cannot be determined
  4. Akhil

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Explanatory Answer

Set 1

Set 1

Set 1

Set 1

Set 1

Set 1

Set 1

Set 1

Set 1

Set 1

Set 1

Set 1

Set 1

Set 1

The question is " Who attains the maximum total score? "

Hence, the answer is 'Chatur'

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