CAT 2024 Question Paper | VARC Slot 2

CAT Previous Year Paper | CAT VARC Questions | Question 1

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Question 1 : The passage given below is followed by four alternate summaries. Choose the option that best captures the essence of the passage.

Recent important scientific findings have emerged from crossing the boundaries of scientific fields. They stem from physicists collaborating with biologists, sociologists and others, to answer questions about our world. But physicists and their potential collaborators often find their cultures out of sync. For one, physicists often discard a lot of information while extracting broad patterns; for other scientists, information is not readily disposed. Further, many non-physicists are uncomfortable with mathematical models. Still, the desire to work on something new and different is real, and there are clear benefits from the collision of views.

  1. Physicists have successfully buried their differences on research methods applied in other fields in their desire to find answers to baffling scientific questions.
  2. Large data sets and mathematical models in physics research combined with the research methods of non-physicist collaborators have yielded important scientific findings.
  3. The desire to diversify their research and answer important questions has led to several collaborations between physicists and other social scientists.
  4. Despite differences in their research styles, physicists' research collaborations with scholars from other disciplines have yielded important research findings.

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Explanatory Answer

The paragraph says that though there is a collision of views and clash of cultures between physicists and nonphysicists, the desire to work on something new has prompted their collaboration, and this has resulted in important scientific findings recently. Option 4 is a good summary of the main idea of the paragraph.
Option 1 is easily ruled out. The paragraph does not say or imply that physicists have buried their differences on research methods applied in other fields. It only says that physicists and nonphysicists have collaborated despite a collision of views and cultures.
Option 3, too, is easily eliminated as it misses the main idea of the paragraph.
Option 2 is close, though, as it is indeed true based on the contents of the paragraph. But the paragraph is about the cultures of physicists and their potential collaborators being out of sync, of the collision of views between the groups and the collaboration despite this to find something new. Option 2 does not touch upon this key point and neither does it mention physicists, the main subject of the paragraph. So, option 4 is better than 2.

Hence, the answer is 'Despite differences in their research styles, physicists' research collaborations with scholars from other disciplines have yielded important research findings.'

Choice D is the correct answer.

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