CAT 2024 Question Paper | VARC Slot 2

CAT Previous Year Paper | CAT VARC Questions | Question 24

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Question 24 : The passage given below is followed by four alternate summaries. Choose the option that best captures the essence of the passage.

Different from individuals, states conduct warfare operations using the DIME model— "diplomacy, information, military, and economics." Most states do everything they can to inflict pain and confusion on their enemies before deploying the military. In fact, attacks on vectors of information are a well-worn tactic of war and usually are the first target when the charge begins. It's common for telecom data and communications networks to be routinely monitored by governments, which is why the open data policies of the web are so concerning to many advocates of privacy and human rights. With the worldwide adoption of social media, more governments are getting involved in low-grade information warfare through the use of cyber troops. According to a study by the Oxford Internet Institute in 2020, cyber troops are "government or political party actors tasked with manipulating public opinion online." The Oxford research group was able to identify 81 countries with active cyber troop operations utilizing many different strategies to spread false information, including spending millions on online advertising.

  1. As part of conducting information warfare as per the DIME model, many governments routinely monitor telecom data and communications networks, and use cyber troops on social media to manipulate public opinion.
  2. Following the DIME model, many governments have taken advantage of open data policies of the web to deploy cyber troops who manipulate domestic public opinion, using advertising and other strategies to spread false information.
  3. Governments primarily use the DIME model to deploy cyber troops who practise low-grade information warfare, seeking to manipulate public opinion with the objective of inflicting pain and confusion on their enemies.
  4. Using the DIME model, together with military operations, many governments simultaneously conduct information warfare with the help of cyber troops and routinely monitor telecom data and communications networks.

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Explanatory Answer

The paragraph explains that states conduct warfare using the DIME model, in which they try diplomacy and information-based warfare before deploying military forces. Open data policies of the web are used by states to monitor telecom data and communications networks and to spread false information through the use of cyber troops. Option 1 is a good summary.
Option 2 is incorrect as it says cyber troops are used by governments to manipulate "domestic" public opinion. The paragraph is about information warfare between states.
Option 3 is incorrect too, as governments do not "primarily" use the DIME model to deploy cyber troops.
Option 4 is incorrect as it states governments use the DIME model together with military operations.

The answer is 'As part of conducting information warfare as per the DIME model, many governments routinely monitor telecom data and communications networks, and use cyber troops on social media to manipulate public opinion.'

Choice A is the correct answer.

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