IPMAT Question Paper 2023 | IPM Indore Verbal

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The general idea of being fit is usually assumed to be exercising regularly and having a healthy diet. It’s true to some extent. But this is not always the case. People don’t realise that sleep also plays a crucial part when it comes to physical and mental well-being. It’s a restorative process, which shouldn’t be negotiable.
Hectic working hours, increasing stress levels, and an unhealthy lifestyle can cause irregular sleep patterns. These not only disturb one’s daily routine, but can also hamper one’s health, leading to lifestyle conditions like deranged cholesterol and diabetes. It’s a preconceived notion that cholesterol and diabetes are usually genetic diseases, and unhealthy eating patterns and lifestyle exacerbate them. It is not generally known that sleep deprivation can put a person at risk of both deranged cholesterol and diabetes.
Sleep helps your body and mind repair and recharge themselves. But things can go awry if one is sleep-deprived. Insomnia can generally make the body work abnormally. It affects the mental and physical abilities to prepare the body for the next day. It leaves the brain exhausted, affecting the natural functioning of the body.
Lack of sleep can lead to higher cholesterol and blood pressure. Sleep deprivation can lower levels of leptin, a hormone that stabilises metabolism and appetite. This can also lead to obesity, if left unchecked. Sleep deprivation has been found to raise levels of ghrelin, the hunger hormone, and decrease levels of leptin, the satiety hormone. That’s why people seek relief in foods that raise blood sugar. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends that adults should get a minimum of seven to eight hours of sleep each night. Staying up late can lead to consuming unhealthy snacks and junk food high in carbs and sugar. All this increases the risk of Type 2 diabetes and is equally connected to obesity.
Just like any other routine, having a definite sleeping pattern can help a person maintain a cycle of rest and activity. Sleeping at the same time every day and waking up on time will encourage quality sleep. Proper relaxation of body and mind before sleeping means that one should keep the mobile phone aside for at least half an hour before bed. It helps if the room is dark and quiet. Plus, one can always read a good book or listen to soothing music which can lull one into deep sleep.

Question 3 : In order to remain physically fit one must

  1. maintain a set sleep pattern.
  2. snack frequently.
  3. raise levels of ghrelin.
  4. the creation of interest by using dubious facts.

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Explanatory Answer

Option 1: This option is correct. The passage emphasizes that having a definite sleeping pattern helps maintain a cycle of rest and activity, which is crucial for physical well-being. It also mentions that proper sleep supports metabolism, prevents obesity, and reduces the risk of diabetes and high cholesterol.
Option 2: This option is incorrect.The passage warns against frequent snacking, especially on junk food high in carbs and sugar, as it increases the risk of obesity and diabetes.
Option 3: This option is incorrect.The passage states that higher ghrelin levels (caused by sleep deprivation) increase hunger and lead to unhealthy eating habits, which is not beneficial for physical fitness.
Option 4: This option is incorrect. While reading a book before bed is suggested as a relaxation method, it is not the main requirement for physical fitness.

Hence, the answer is 'maintain a set sleep pattern.'

Choice A is the correct answer.


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