IPMAT 2019 Question Paper IPM Indore Verbal Ability. Solve questions from IPMAT 2019 Question Paper from IPM Indore and check the solutions to get adequate practice. The best way to ace IPMAT is by solving IPMAT Question Paper. To solve other IPMAT Sample papers, go here: IPM Sample Paper
Question 38 : The sentences given below, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with a number. Decide on the most logical order and enter the sequence of numbers in the space provided.
1. He just harvested the wild grains.
2. The hunter-gatherer went from place to place in search of food.
3. As the crops began to give better yields, this reduced his need to go in search of animals and wild plants.
4. This was followed by an attempt to grow food by scattering the spare grains.
The logical order should start with the introduction of the character being discussed about, which is the hunter-gatherer. Hence, statement 2 comes first. Statement 2 talks about search for food, while statements 1 and 3 suddenly talk about harvest of grains. We are looking at a connecting statement, which, obviously is statement 4. Once the "attempt" is made, there is some more detail about harvesting in statement 1. Statement 3 is the concluding statement that talks about the results and outcomes of his attempt. Hence, the right order is 2413.
The question is "The sentences given below, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with a number. Decide on the most logical order and enter the sequence of numbers in the space provided.
1. He just harvested the wild grains.
2. The hunter-gatherer went from place to place in search of food.
3. As the crops began to give better yields, this reduced his need to go in search of animals and wild plants.
4. This was followed by an attempt to grow food by scattering the spare grains.
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