IPMAT Question Paper 2019 | IPM Indore Verbal

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Read the following passage and choose the answer that is closest to each of the questions that are based on the passage.

Supposing half a dozen or a dozen men were cast ashore from a wreck on an uninhabited island and left to their own resources, one of course, according to his capacity, would be set to one business and one to another; the strongest to dig and to cut wood, and to build huts for the rest: the most dexterous to make shoes out of bark and coats out of skins; the best educated to look for iron or lead in the rocks, and to plan the channels for the irrigation of the fields. But though their labours were thus naturally severed, that small group of shipwrecked men would understand well enough that the speediest progress was to be made by helping each other-not by opposing each other; and they would know that this help could only be properly given so long as they were frank and open in their relations, and the difficulties which each lay under properly explained to the rest. So that any appearance of secrecy or separateness in the actions of any of them would instantly, and justly, be looked upon with suspicion by the rest, as the sign of some selfish or foolish proceeding on the part of the individual. If, for instance, the scientific man were found to have gone out at night, unknown to the rest, to alter the sluices, the others would think, and in all probability rightly think, that he wanted to get the best supply of water to his own field; and if the shoemaker refused to show them where the bark grew which he made the sandals of, they would naturally think, and in all probability rightly think, that he didn't want them to see how much there was of it, and that he meant to ask from them more corn and potatoes in exchange for his sandals than the trouble of making them deserved. And thus, although each man would have a portion of time to himself in which he was allowed to do what he chose without let or inquiry - so long as he was working in that particular business which he had undertaken for the common benefit, any secrecy on his part would be immediately supposed to mean mischief; and would require to be accounted for, or put an end to: and this all the more because, whatever the work might be, certainly there would be difficulties about it which, when once they were well explained, might be more or less done away with by the help of the rest; so that assuredly every one of them would advance with his labour not only more happily, but more profitably and quickly, by having no secrets, and by frankly bestowing, and frankly receiving, such help as lay in his way to get or to give. 

Question 1 : When a dozen men are cast away on an imaginary island, the best educated would look for metals in rocks because

  1. metals can be used to make weapons.
  2. such an island probably has unexploited resources.
  3. he may find it beneath him to dig or cut or make shoes.
  4. he is suited for such work.

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Explanatory Answer

Option A
The author speaks nothing about making weapons using metals and hence we can eliminate option A

Option B does not indicate the reason why educated people alone are chosen to look for metals in rock. Hence it can be eliminated.

Option C
The author does not imply anywhere in the passage that digging, cutting or making shoes in beneath the educated.

Option D
Following the pattern in which the jobs are allocated to each person, Strong - Build huts, Dextorous - Make shoes, the educated - look for metals, Option D is the right choice.

The question is "When a dozen men are cast away on an imaginary island, the best educated would look for metals in rocks because"

Hence, the answer is he is suited for such work.

Choice D is the correct answer


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