IPMAT 2021 Question Paper IPM Indore Verbal Ability. Solve questions from IPMAT 2021 Question Paper from IPM Indore and check the solutions to get adequate practice. The best way to ace IPMAT is by solving IPMAT Question Paper. To solve other IPMAT Sample papers, go here: IPM Sample Paper
Choose the alternative so that the underlined part of the sentence is rendered correct.
Question 13 : Other politicians may have claims to seniority over their peers, based upon their accomplishments and their ability to lead campaigns, but Alexandria Ocasio-Cortex, who is often described as merely being a junior member of the House of Representatives, has an unparalleled seniority over all of them by virtue of her prowess in social media management.
'Described as' is the correct usage. This should be followed by a noun phrase, so ' a mere junior member...." is the correct choice.
Choice D is the correct answer.
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