IPMAT 2021 Question Paper IPM Indore Verbal Ability. Solve questions from IPMAT 2021 Question Paper from IPM Indore and check the solutions to get adequate practice. The best way to ace IPMAT is by solving IPMAT Question Paper. To solve other IPMAT Sample papers, go here: IPM Sample Paper
Question 30 : The sentences given below, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with a number. Decide on the most logical order and enter the sequence of numbers in the space provided, for e.g., 1234.
A. In a recent incident, villagers in a tea estate were shocked to find a leopard cub in a trench.
B. The cub was then taken to the area where she was discovered and reunited with her mother.
C. The 12,500 leopards in India stray into villages due to their shrinking habitat.
D. The wildlife vet examined and declared it to be uninjured but dehydrated.
C is the most general statement and best opening sentence. C talks of leopards straying into villages. Sentence A follows this up with the description of a recent incident. D adds to A, describing the condition of the cub that strayed into the village. Sentence B states how the situation was resolved. So, CADB is the correct order.
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