IPMAT Question Paper 2021 | IPM Indore Verbal

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Each of the paragraphs given below has a sentence missing which is indicated by a blank. From the choices given below each paragraph, choose the sentence that seems most logically appropriate to complete the paragraph.

Question 16 : Captive breeding has helped revive wildlife such as the Eurasian beaver, the cheetah and the Arabian Onyx. Several species have been reintroduced into locations in order that the ecological balance is restored. When herbivorous bandicoots were set free in the wild, they dug the ground and redistributed dry leaves and branches, reducing the chance of bush fires. But some predators may overhunt or threaten other vulnerable species.

  1. Hence, wildlife conservationists should revive more of herbivorous animals and enrich the ecosystems.
  2. Conservation of carnivorous animals is complex and could be dangerous to so many other vulnerable species,
  3. The revival of the ecosystem therefore, depends on the eating habits of the animals introduced therein.
  4. Therefore, all species must be revived and allowed to live in forests regardless of their being carnivorous.

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Explanatory Answer

The paragraph given talks about captive breeding of wildlife and their reintroduction into the wild. It cites the example of herbivorous bandicoots to say that their reintroduction in the wild reduced the chance of bush fires. The penultimate sentence says that some predators, however, may overhunt or threaten other vulnerable species. So, depending on the eating habits of the animals- whether they are herbivores or carnivores- the ecosystem may be affected differently. Option c relates to this idea and is hence the best option to complete the paragraph.
The paragraph does not imply that only herbivorous animals must be revived; so options a and b are incorrect. Option d does not relate to the penultimate sentence of the given paragraph.

The answer is 'The revival of the ecosystem therefore, depends on the eating habits of the animals introduced therein.'

Choice C is the correct answer.


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