XAT 2020 Question Paper | Verbal Ability and Logical Reasoning

XAT Previous Year Paper | XAT VALR Questions | Question 21

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Question 21 : Read the following paragraph and answer the question that follows:
In Australia, jellyfish are most common between November and May. In Hawaii, jellyfish often show up on south-facing beaches eight days after a full moon. In the Mediterranean, blooms usually appear in the summer. Unfortunately for travellers, there is no worldwide database for recent jellyfish sightings, and tourism officials are sometimes reluctant to publicize jellyfish swarms out of fear that such news will scare off visitors.

Which of the following can be BEST concluded from the above paragraph?

  1. Celestial bodies have an influence on jellyfish sightings.
  2. Seasonal variations in the marine temperature impact jellyfish sightings.
  3. Economic interests influence security advisories.
  4. Tourism officials hide the truth about jellyfish sightings.
  5. Tourists visiting north-facing beaches in Hawaii do not spot jellyfish.

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Explanatory Answer

A. Celestial bodies have an influence on jellyfish sightings. – The passage talks about full moon and summer season (hence, by implication, the sun). The “influence” as mentioned in the option goes well with those. Hence, this is the right answer choice.
B. Seasonal variations in the marine temperature impact jellyfish sightings. – The passage talks about intra-seasonal variations too. Specific incidents such as “eighth day after full moon” are mentioned. So, this option can be eliminated.
C. Economic interests influence security advisories. – The last line of the passage clearly states that the reluctance from the tourism officials are due to the notion that it will scare off visitors. There is no question of “economic interests” and hence this option can be eliminated.
D. Tourism officials hide the truth about jellyfish sightings. – The passage only says the tourism officials are reluctant. Reluctance is just hesitation, and cannot be equated to “hiding the truth”. Hence, this option can be eliminated.
E. Tourists visiting north-facing beaches in Hawaii do not spot jellyfish. – The passage specifically talks about south-facing beaches in Hawaii; but that does not automatically imply that tourists do not spot jellyfish in the north-facing beaches. So, this option an be eliminated.

Choice A is the correct answer.


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