XAT 2020 Question Paper | Verbal Ability and Logical Reasoning

XAT Previous Year Paper | XAT VALR Questions | Question 5

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Question 5 : Go through the statements below and answer the question that follows:
P. Surabhiโ€™s Instagram profile has 1.4 million followers. It is filled with pictures of her posing in different settings.
Q. In India, reports suggest that WhatsApp (Much more than Facebook or Twitter) is the primary tool for the dissemination of political communication.
R. Political campaigns pay social media companies to promote their content.
S. Political advertising on social media comes in many forms and remains underexamined in India.
T. Social media influencers are used for the dissemination of content.

Which of the following combinations is the MOST logically ordered?

  1. PRSTQ
  2. QRTPS
  3. SRQTP
  4. QRSTP
  5. SQRTP

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Explanatory Answer

The sentence S introduces the paragraph about political advertising. Hence it is the first sentence. Since sentence R talks about political campaign, it can be understood that this is a continuation of political advertising; hence, it is the second sentence. So, the sequence so far is SR.

Sentence T talks about social media influencers used to spread content and Sentence P gives an example of one such an influencer, these two sentences are linked as TP.

The sentence Q links the above two sequences. So the final solution is SRQTP.

Choice C is the correct answer.


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